. -. 4 ana At last the cruise service between Montreal and Chicago has finally been nailed down. The vessel which will make the 7-day voyages from one city to the other is the Greek Sun Lines' STELLA MARIS II. She has arrived on this side of the Atlantic for a $100,000 refurbishing prior to entering the lakes service. Schedules and stops will be the same as announced earlier for the ORION. ‘Seems like skyrocketing fuel costs had considerable influence on decisions as to which of the available vessels would be used in the Great Lakes operation. ooa00o In the September, 1973 HISTORIAN, J.R. Williams referred to my book, ‘‘Freshwater Whales,” with regard to the original design of the steamer CENTURION. After looking into the matter, it only strengthened my conviction that anyone who sets out to write an errorless book dealing with lakes shipping history has made his first error! My information came largely from the Marine Review (VII, March 2, 1893, P. 12) which shows an inboard profile plan and a steel engraving by Howard Sprague with CENTURION’s enginehouse amidships, as was the case with $.S. CURRY and MERIDA, this at the occasion of her keel laying ceremony. However, the account of her launching in Marine Review (VIII, Aug. 31, 1893, P. 11) says, in part, “‘. . .only alteration of importance made since the plans were published is a change in the location of the engines from amidships to the after part of the boat. . .” I am grateful to Milton J. Brown, of Cleveland, O., for calling my attention to this error as entirely too many such errors have been permitted to exist in dealing with lake shipping history. Signed, Dr. Richard J. Wright Which leaves the original question unanswered - What is the name of the boat of which Alan Mann obtained a glass negative? He would still like to know.