Robert J. Blackwell, assistant secretary of commerce for marine affairs, has agreed "in princip- le" to the establishment of a Maritime Administration office in the Great Lgkes region. He agreed further to hold quarterly meetings with Geat Lakes repre- sentatives, to have MarAd under- take a $200,000 study for ways to resume U. S. flag service on the Lakes and to let interests on the Great Lakes know about the availability of Mariner-type freighters for purchase, lease or chartero Foreign tonnage handled by the Port of Detroit in 1974 exceeded two million tons for the seventh consecutive year. The total of 2,054,034 tons was down 8.4 per= cent from 1973. Steel imports dropped by 365,000 tons to only 993,000 but steel exports soar- ed from 42,717 tons in 1973 toa whopping 331,672 tons last year. Opening of the St. Lawrence Sea~ way and Welland Canal will be at 8 aeme April 1, according to Da- ps Oberlin, administrator of he St. Lawrence Seaway Develop- pe Corp. A Great Lakes trade mission is in Europe armed with some potent arguments to convince shippers and shipowners there of the ben- efits offered by the Great Lakes system. They can point to a new, three-year contract with the In- ternational Longshoremen's Asso- ciation covering Milwaukee, Sup- erior, Kenosha, Buffalo, Ogdens- burg, Erie, Muskegon and Burns Harbor. They can also cite a new two-year grainmillers' contract and high-level action to solve any pilotage problems. The New Poe Lock is to be re- named the Blatnik Lock honoring the retired Minnesota Democratic Representative who wrete and in- produced the bill in Congress which led to the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. He was chairman for many years of the House Public Works Gauunsions 8 Please send your winter lay- $ up lists to Jimmy Morris at $ 22919 Alger, St.Clair Shores @ Mich. 48080. He wants to get ¢ his completed list in for an early issue of the Historian $ before the boats are going on the new season. Thanks. Stern view from a- bove shows the now familiar after end on WOLVERINE simi- lar to the THAYER and ROESCH with everything squared off to look like a punch of cardboard cartons. Photo by Al Sweigert