at the Chicago Yard of American Shipbuilding...The passenger ship THEODORE ROOSEVELT was sold for scrap and was to be towed to Milwau- kee..oMarch 14 saw the Ecorse Transit MATAAFA open Cleveland with a lead oa autos. Fellow member Emory Massman was her Captain...March 14 also saw Capt. George Lloyd named acting superintendent of the Straits of Mackinac auto ferries, succeeding Capt. John Kelsner. This was before the building of the big VACATIONLAND...The CRESCENT CITY, later CARL MYERS, and barges MAIDA and CONSTITUTION were haul- ing coal from Toledo to Detroit...The Detroit Free Press of March 18 had a picture of the 1. H. BROWNING being readied for the coal run but was misnamed H. T. BROWNING...Interlake Steamship sold the ELBA to Bethlehem to be converted into a crane boat...What ae open x the 1975 Lorain, 0., season? On March 27, 1950, the U. S. GYPSUM did it. This was the start of the new season and not the end of the past one.e.-Fellow member Capt. Henry Walton had the JAMES WATT in on her way to Buffalo as the month ended. RAZ ooo0aQa The extended navigation season saw quite a bit of traffic on the De- troit River. Boat watcher Bob Zeleznik, from his vantage point on the 18th floor of Detroit's City-County Bldg.,compiled the following list -- in spite of the demands of his job. Jan. 20, CANADIAN FRON- TENAC up; JOHN MUNSON and E.B. BARBER down. Jan. 22 all upbound, the CLIFFS VICTORY, JOHN MUNSON, TABOGA and BARBARA ANN. Jan. 23 EDMUND FITZGERALD downbound. ‘Jan. 24 TABOGA both up and downbound. GEORGE M. HUMPHREY and YANKCANJCK went up on the 26th with E.B. BARBER down on the 27th for layup at Port Colborne. Jan. 28 saw TABOGA, JOHN MUNSON and ERNEST WEIR all downbound followed on the 29th by the E. B. GREENE. Jan. 30 GEORGE HUMPHREY and TABOGA were downbound. Feb. 4 Had JOHN MUNSON downbound with TABOGA and TUGBOAT HANNAH upbound. On Feb. 11 JOHN MUNSON and CHEMICAL TRANSPORT were downbound with CHEM- ICAL TRANSPORT back up light on the 13th and JOHN MUNSON on the 14th as a Valentine present for the boat watchers. There the list ended so we could go to press. ooo0ooo0 Marine Historical Society of Detroit, Inc. 1974-75 Officers President Hal Jackson, 3538 Polk, Dearborn, Mi. 48124 Vice-Pres. Fr. Ray Donahue, 25001 Hollander, Dearborn, Mi. 48128 Secretary Robt. 4eleznik, 877 University Pl., Grosse Pte., ii. 48230 Treasurer Robt. Pocotte, 521 Wilcox, Clare, Mi. 48622 Editor Curtis Haseltine, 13951 Faust, Detroit, Mi. 48223 Pub. Mere Fr. Ray Donahue, 25001 Hollander, Dearborn, Mi. 48128 Archivist Richard Wright,Bowling Green(Ohio)StateUniversity 43403