The SOUTH will rise again!!!The dilapidated SOUTH AMERICAN has been purchased by a Grosse Ile man to be brought to the Lakes once again and rest out her days at Mackinac Island as a tourist resort "flo- tel" and restaurant. She will be brought back to the Lakes sometime this year and converted to the "luxurious" motel. The group that has been trying to get her there has succeeded and even have the "blessing" of Michigan's Governor Milliken in this adventure. So if your heart desires to see the SOUTH once again, you may see her at Mackinac Island in the near future, provided some "unforeseen" ac- dent does not intervene. Fr. Pete oooo00 After the above was written, the Detroit News, on March 19, report- ed that the purchaser is William S. Mellus, 71-year-old publisher of weekly newspapers in Detroit's downriver area. Mellus said he hoped to have the SOUTH AMERICAN towed to Mackinac Island by May and restored in time for the opening of the national Bicentennial celebration July 4. He hopes to sell shares to Michigan residents.