IPS THAT NEVER DIE -No.19° | | Photo from the Author's Collection PINE LAKE (US 150695) Wooden steamer, 358 gross tons, 138' x 28' x 10'9",. Originally built in 1881 at Mt. Clemens, Mich. by M. Daprise for John Torrant, of Muskegon, Mich. She was launched as the IDA M. TORRANT #110469.She was sold to Frank Woods, of Chicago, in 1886. In 1890 he sold her to Frank Harlow, of Chicago. She was burned to the waterline at Cross Village, Mich., on Oct. 10, 1893. Rebuilt at Charlevoix, Mich., in 1895, and renamed PINE LAKE #150695, for the Charlevoix Lumber So. In 1910 she was registered to John McKerchey, of Detroit, and rebuilt as a sand boat. Sold in 1912 to C. H. Rittle Co., of Detroit. On Oct. 21, 1912, she was run down and sunk by the Str. FLsETWOOD on Lake St. Clair. She was valued at $25,000 at the time of her loss. The wreck: was later dynamited and removed as a menace to navigation. This picture was taken at the Crane Mill dock at Elverta, Mich., in 1904. Ralph K. Roberts ooo000 The Bob-Lo steamers are operating out of a new dock at Detroit at the foot of Third below Cobo Hall. They had been at the dock at the foot of Woodward since 1900. The only other location was during the first two years of operation. In 1898 and 1899 the Bob-Lo boats were docked at the foot of Bates.