Li tue loc] The Detroit River mailboat, J.W. WESTCOTT II, has a new lease on life. The company has a_ three- year contract with the U.S.Post- al Service. contracts For several years have been limited to year while the Postal Ser-— studied the cost. heavy pressure, maritime unions and companies to one vice There has been from however, ship- ping retain this unique service. The company also transfers crewmen to and from the boats and puts groceries and small parts aboard and laundry. The damage to the WILLIAM G. MATHER when she went aground at Frying Pan Island in the St. Mary's River will be greater than at first thought. She is close to the amount to repair the SAM LAUD which had a similar casualty earlier this year. A welcome visitor to the Lakes is the Farrell Lines AFRICAN SUN to load cargoes for ports in Af- rica. This is the second U. S. flag line to come into the Lakes this year after an absence of almost eight years. If all goes well, Farrell may be back next year with more vessels. U. Se Steel is talking about op- erating nine the extended winter Named vessels into season. for the "frostbite" operation are ANDERSON, BLOUGH, CALLAWAY, CLARKE, FAIRLESS, FERBERT, FRAS- ER, OLDS and VOORHEES. The St. Lawrence Seaway between Montreal and Lake Ontario will close Dec. 18. The Welland will close at noon Dec. 30. The Soo Locks, Poe and MacArthur, are to remain open as long as navigat- ion continues this winter. Lengthening of the ARTHUR B. HO- MER has been completed at the Fraser Shipyard. A 96-ft midbody has been inserted to bring her to 826 feet long with an inc- rease of 5,000 tons in capacity. David W. Oberlin has been nomi- nated by President Ford to a second term as administrator of the St. Lawrence Seaway Develop— ment Corp. He was formerly port director at Duluth-Superior and trade development manager for the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority. on the Nove 6 crewmen George Le- with first- and second-degree burns. Rupture of a steam pipe HENRY STEINBRENNER on hospitalized Lemnot and Clarence Ralls Harry Benford, University of Michigan professor of naval ar- chitecture says year-around nav- igation on the Lakes "shows ev- ery sign of being here to stay." It will be accepted practice.