ANNOUNCEMENT : Our next meeting will be held on Friday Evening February 20, at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial” Center, 32 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Farms. The program will be a slide showing about Ships Around the Chicago Area, given by our fellow member John R.Williams of Chicago. Plan to attend our February meeting and invite your friends. James Morris, Secretary | the LoG = The AVONDALE is being scrapped on the Welland Canal. Our photo (below), by Barry Andersen, shows her arrival at the scrapyard on November 30. the tug BALEEN, (ex JESE JAMES, ex JOHN E.MEYER) burned and foundered off Scituate, Mass. in November. The YANKCANUCK arrived at Erie, Pa with a load of pig iron on Jan. 8th, in what is thought to be the latest ( or earliest) arrival at that Port. The tanker DETROIT (ex PEGGY REINAUER, ex A.J. PATMORE, ex USS.ROTARY, ex A.J.PATMORE, ex B.B.McCOLL, ex PULOE BRANI, ex HMS SERVITOR) had been sold to Hannah Inland Waterways for non transportation use. ssi The Tanker PARATEX, formerly a frequent visitor on the Great Lakes has been sold by Gulf to R.T.C.#6 Corp. and renamed BERT REINAUER II. Coast Guard cutter WESTWIND and tug RARITAN were busy on Lake Michigan freeing fish tugs caught in ice. The RARITAN also freed the freighter E.B.BARBER at Grand Haven. A French trawler similar to the INKERMAN and CERISOLES, described on P,3. This is the HOHENLINDEN, the first of the group built at Fort William.