ANNOUNCEMENT The March meeting will be held on Friday evening, tne 19th, at Divine Child High School, 1015 N.Silvery Lane, Dearborn, at 8:00. The program will be provided by our President, Father Raymond Donahue, who will have a slide show and commentary on the Great Lakes Car Ferries. Plan to attend the March meeting. The Society's annnual Dinner Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 24th at Sid's on the Seaway Restaurant, on North River Road north of Algonac. A special program has been arranged, including the awarding of the Marine Historian of the Year placque, etc., etc. Mark the date now, and plan to attend. James E.Morris, Secretary. 6191 Hereford, Detroit, 48224 NOTICE Correspondence on official business of the Society should be directed to the President, Rev.Raymond M.Donahue, at 25001 Hollander, Dearborn, Mi.48128. Applications for membership should be directed to the Secret- ary at the address shown above. Matters concerning the content of the DETROIT MARINE HISTOR- IAN (except the "Log") should be sent to the Interim Editor, whose address appears on the top of the first page. Material of current interest for the "Log" should be sent to the Log Editor, Fr.VanderLinden at the address shown below. Payment of dues and other financial matters should be dealt with through our Treasurer, Mr.Robert T.ERocotte, 521 Wilcox, Clare, Mi. 48617. THE LOG A few U.S.Steel freighters were still operating late last month. Heavy ice on the St.Mary's River carried away part of the boom which had been set up to protect the crassing of the ferry SUGAR ISLANDER between the mainland and Sugar Island, causing delay and unhappiness among Sugar Islanders. IMPERIAL LONDON will not be in operation next season, according to reliable sources. However IM- PERIAL COLLINGWOOD and IMPERIAL SARNIA will continue in service for next year at least. The sedond lake-built unit of the Gypsum Transit Co., GYPSUM BARON, was launched at Collingwood late in January. The new ferry WOLFE ISLANDER III, completed at Thunder Bay in December, is now in service at Kingston. Rev.Peter VanderLinden, 4190 Green Dr.,Harsen's I., Mi.48028 Below: The ill-fated WILLIAM C.MORELAND