. The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit February, 1977 Volume 30, No. 6 Rev. Peter J. Van der Linden, Editor, 4190 Green Dr., Harsens Island, Michigan 48028 INTRODUCING Tanker SATURN Ed. Photo Built in 1974 at the S.B.A. Shipyards, Inc. at Jennings, Louisiana this steel tanker entered the Cleveland Tankers Fleet in early 1975. US. 556139, the tanker's dimensions are: 374.6 x 54.6 x 25, 3904 g.t., and capacity of 48,000 barrels. Pri- marily designed for the canal trade, this ship has visited most of the ports that the Cleveland Tanker Fleet services on the Great Lakes. SATURN is shown downbound light in the St. Clair River opposite the editor's church on Harsens Island last summer. Along with her sistership the JUPITER which entered service on the Lakes last summer, she is not much for looks but extremely serviceable. Welcome SATURN to many years on the blue waters. ANNOUNCEMENT: General Membership Meeting, Friday, March 18, 1977, 8:00 p.m. at the Southfield Elementary School, 27700 Southfield Rd. (Southfield Rd. at Golden Gate) Lathrup Village, Michigan. Speaker: fellow member Howard Allen, "Ships on the (Cont'd. P. 2) Canals."