The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 31, No. 1 September, 1977 Rev. Peter J. Van a | Linden, Editor, 19 (¢) Green Dre, Harsens Island, Michigan 48028 Published Monthly Annual Dues $5.00 INTRODUCING BAIE COMEAU II, C.372001, 372 x 57 x 25, 3216 g.t., 3549 reg. tons. Built in 1973 in Gijon, Spain as a.) MONTE ALMANZOR. Ed. Photo INTRODUCING INTRODUCING Ed. Note. So many changes in vessels this year have prompted a different feature in the "Historian" for this month and the next. Instead of a single ship portrayed in our usual INTRODUCING section, we will aquaint you with six "new" vessels in each is- (Cont'd. P. 2) ANNOUNCEMENT: General Membership Meeting, October 14, 1977, 8:00 p.m. at the Museum of Arts and History, 1115 Sixth Street, Port Huron Michigan. Members' slides and films. Secretary. R. Warren Mc Nab