Tog. The Detroit =f Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 31, No. 10 June 1978 Rev. Peter J. Van der Linden, Editor, O Green Dr., Harsens Island, Michi, 8028 Published Monthly Annual Dues $5.00 INTRODUCING STEELCLIFFE HALL upbound in the St. Clair River (5-27-78 ) Editor's Photo Steel bulk freighter (LI 1407) built in 1959 as a) RHINE ORE by Schlieker Werft, Hamburg, Germany (Hull #533): 516.8 x 73.9 x 40.2; 8,202 gross tons. Rebuilt and lengthened in 1977-78 at Lauzon by Davie for Hall and renamed b) STEELCLIFFE HALL (c ): 716 x 76 x 36; 18,531 gross tons. BOOK OFFER!! members are reminded to return the order form included in the May Historian for the book "Great Lakes Ships We Remember", It is urgent that you do this promptly because we need your presubscriptions as soon ia possible. Checks payable to the Marine Historical Society of Detroit for $25 should be sent to Leonard J. Barr II, Treasurer, 1367 Hollywood, Grosse Pte. Woods, Michigen, 48236.