The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit See Volume_34, No. 1 September, 1979 Rev. Peter J. Van der Linden, Editor, 4190 Green Dr., Harsens Island, Michigan 48028 Published Monthly Annual Dues $8.00 INTRODUCING CANADIAN PROSPECTOR mig ES rs az a : a CANADIAN PROSPECTOR Editor's Photo Steel bulk pis es ter (BR 305421) built in 1964 at Sunderland, England by Short Hu. Brothers Ltd. 1 #542) 530 x 73.9 x 43.2; 13,949 gross tons. Lengthened 80' in 1968. Sold to Upper Lakes Shipping, Ltd. and renamed b) ST. LAWRENCE PROSPECTOR in 1975. Lengthened to seaway size (730 x 75) with new forebody installed at St. Johns, Halifax in 1979 and renamed c) CANADIAN PROSPECTOR. In Service. Marine Historical Society of Detroit, Inc. 1979-1980 Officers President Paul LaMarre, 9108 Church Rd., Grosse Isle, Mi 48138 Vice-President Don Dube, 1127 Howard, Windsor, Ont. N9A 186 Secretary Bob Zeleznik, 877 University Pl., Grosse Pte., Mi 48230 Treasurer Bill Luke, 20255 Wellesley Blvd., Birmingham, Mi 48010 Editor Fr. Van der Linden, 4190 Green Dr., Harsens Island, Mi 48028 Publications Mgr. Harry Wolf, 1686 Evans Ave., Detroit, Mi 48209 Archivist Dr. Richard Wright, 5th Floor, University Library, Bowling Green, Ohio 48403 NOTE: Please send dues to the Treasurer, Bill Luke, and not your editor.