NEW FACES FOR 1979 Continuing our presentation of renamed and changed ships for this season, we hereby show more as they were photographed recently. When we get a chance to photograph more of them, we will bring them to you in future issues. _— = eee ee : . SEAWAY TRADER at Port Edward Editor's Photo Steel tanker (C. 176114) built in 1948 at Collingwood, Ontario by the Collingwood : Shipbuilding Co. (HULL #137) as a) IMPERIAL COLLINGWOOD: 252.1 x 43.5 x 17.7; wi 2,128 gross tons. Lengthened in 1961 to 293.5; 2,530 gross tons. Renamed b) SEAWAY TRADER in 1979. Now in service. Serene PIONEER in Cliffs Colors Editor's Photo 7 Steel bulk freighter (US. 243587) built in 1943 at Ecorse, Michigan by the Great wait Lakes Engineering Works (HULL #293) as a) McINTYRE: 604 x 60 x 35; 9,057 gross tons. Renamed b) FRANK PURNELL(1) while on the stocks in 1943, renamed c) STEELTON (3) in 1964, renamed d) HULL NO. 3 in 1978, renamed e) PIONEER in 1979. In service. Blan S