for American Steamship and is due for delivery next Spring. ¥** The bow section of Bethlehem's steamer DANIEL J. MORRELL was discovered by divers off Grindstone City, Michigan in the Spring of this year at a point considerably distant from the stern section, which was found soon after the vessel foundered in November, 1966. ** U.S. Steel's EDWIN H. GOTT lifted a record 61,336 gross tons of pellets out of Two Harbors, Minnesota on July 2lst. Meanwhile, scrapping of Big Steel's steamer WILLIAM P. PALMER continues at the Hyman-Michaels yard at Duluth. In late August her after cabins and stern were gone. ** U.S. Steel's B. F. AFFLECK HORACE JOHNSON had been withdrawn from service by late August because of crew shortages, and JOHN HULST and RALPH H. WATSON reportedly will be withdrawn soon. ** Upper Lake's steamer MEAFORD has been acquired by Pierson's Soo River Company. She sailed as PIERSON INDEPENDENT from Toronto on August 18th for Chicago, where she loaded grain for St. Lawrence delivery. ** American Steamship's JOSEPH S. YOUNG was towed out of Toledo on August 17th enroute to Port Colborne for sealing for the tow from Quebec City about September lst to Mexican breakers. ** Peterson Builders, Sturgeon Bay, launched the 224-foot tuna seiner NAPOLEON on August 18th, under order for Star-Kist for operation out of San Diego. Two similar units are on order at the Wisconsin yard. ** Halco's fire-damaged CARTIERCLIFFE HALL will be rebuilt at a cost of $6 million at the Collingwood shipyard this Winter. Her return to service is planned for mid-April. Meanwhile, FRANKCLIFFE HALL's conver- sion to a self-unloader at Thunder Bay will cost $15 million, including a 54 foot hull deepening and ice stregthening for the Nova Scotia trade. She is expected at the yard in November and will be ready in May 1980. ** The former Kinsman steamer KINSMAN ENTERPRISE was towed out of the Frog Pond at Toledo on August 23rd by the tug MALCOLM and taken to her new berth at the Seaway Terminal at Port Huron where she will serve as a bean pellet storage barge. ** The Canadian government has extended to December 31st, 1979 its 20% subsidy for the construction of vessels built for and operated by Canadian interests. ** Hanna's GEORGE A. STINSON arrived at the C. & P. ore dock on Cleveland's lake front on August 12th with a 57,000 ton cargo of ore pellets to mark the first unloading of a 1,000-footer there. ** The excursion steamer BLUE WATER BELLE has begun service at Toronto. ** Ste. Marie Yard & Marine at the Soo has been awarded a contract for $237,019 to perform the Summer yard work on CGC MACKINAW. The cutter arrived in the Soo on August 13, and is scheduled to be back in service on October 4. ** SEAWAY TRADER (See Page 2) entered service in early September with her first trip from Nanticoke to Toronto. ** ¢, W. CADWELL has been sold by Equipment House, Ltd. to Evans McKeil Work Boats, Ltd., who will remove her self-unloading gear and install a stationary crane together with two new GM diesels. ** INDIANA HARBOR passed upbound at the Soo on August 30 on her maiden voyage. ** Toledo Lakefront Dock will close both the coal loading car dumps and the iron ore unloading hu letts at the end of the pee rea The facility will be converted to an iron ore dock for self-unloaders. ** salty WORLD GALA loaded 235,840 gross tons of iron ore at Sept Iles in late Pe for Rotterdam to take the record for the largest cargo ever loaded there. The vessel measures 1,109 feet overall with a 180-foot beam. JOUNC EMENT, As indicated in the August Historian, the September meeting will be a joint meeting with the American Canal Society at St. Catherines on September 14-16. Registration must have been made with Mr. William H. Shank, Welland Canal Tour Chairman, August 25, but late registrants may contact him at (717) 843-4035 in the event there are cancellations. The next meeting of the Society will be on Friday, October 12, at the Dossin Museum at 8 P.M. Al Jackman will present a slide show on the sixteen "Maritimers" built during World War II. = 6 =