HISUDIS, ADVISORY COUICLL LanrTUC HARING EISPOUCAL SOCTSTY OF D3TR0L7,7 INC." THUZSDAY, LOWM.SGR 15, 1979 OFFIC? OF GASLIC TUGIOAT TO!TG COMPANY “he meeting was called to order by President LaMarre at 9:45 P.M. with the following present: DAVE GLICK, BILL LUKE, FATHER VANDER LINDEN, JAMPS MORRIS, PAUL LA MARRE, DON DUBE AND BOB ZELEZNIK. Absent included: DR. RICHARD WRIGHT, LE ANNE LA MARRE, CURT HASELTINE, EDWARD J. MORRIS AND PETER WORDEN, SR. Guests included TIM BLACKWELL and HARRY WOLF. o Upon motion of Father VanderLinden, seconded by James Morris and unanimously approved, the following new members were admitted: JOSEPH S. BECKER, EUGENE BUEL, DANIEL DOBAT, NORMAN J. FERGUSON, FRANKLIN B. FOLGER III, RICHARD R. HOLVENSTOT, STEVE IPPEL, JOB KOVACS, STEVEN LANG, TERRY REEVES, _ MRS, RUTH REVELS, MR.H.M. ROSEMOND, GERALD F. SCHAFFRAN, ROLLAND SERVIS, MARK:: STEVENS, HOYT VROOMAN, JAMES H, WENDT,. DOUGLAS R, COWDREY, CHARLFS EB, FELTNER,.. ALREKL WALMSLEY AND ROBERT J, ZEITLER Bill Inke had the mimeograph machine repaired by A.B, Dick Company. Discussion was had relative to repairing the folding macliine, Dave Glick offered to have it put back into working condition and will advise as to the | cost, A determination will then be made by the council if we should spend the Bill Luke advised that Dr, Wright had sent a breakdown list of the Society properties at Bowling Geen, Bob Zeleznik moved, seconded by Father VanderLinden to ratify the Minutes of September as amended and the October meeting minutes, All in favor, \ Bill Luke read the book review written by Allan Howard for INLAND SEAS of our new book, GREAT LAKES SHIPS. WE REMEMBER, Discussion was had as to the distribution of the book, The members are reminded that GEORGE D. BROWN, 7001 Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio 43617, gives all members 10% off on any books that he sells, Ohio resident add the sales tax, Mention that you are a member of the Society, He will. sell GREAT LAKES SHIPS WE REMEMBER for $26.55 Postpaid, Our deep appreciation te Allan Howard for tge sxcellent book review, Many thanks, FR : ‘ Harry Wolf, Publications*si Manager, reported he had sold $1 485 of Society properties with orders coming in all of the time, He is out of #5 of the 1978-79 issue and has a price of $37 each by offset process, It was agreed that Harry should get what he feels is necessary, Bill Luke advised of the great job Harry has been doing for us and that his announcements have shown his many abilities, Bill Luke advised that there is a current balance of $3 779.61 in the bank with all bills paid, including the HISTORIAN, calendars and. stamps for the mailing, It was agreed that the Secretary would send a letter to all. menbers who are delinquent in dues and who would not be receiving the calendar or the November HISTORIAN, The next Advisory Council meeting will be at the Gaelic Tugboat Towong Company on Thursday, December 13th at 8 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned, Respectfully submitted, ROBERT A, ZELEZNIK Secre ORDER YOUR EXTRA 1980 CALENDARS FROM HARRY WOLF, 1686 Evans, Detroit, Michigan 48209, The cost postpaid is $3 each, Send your check, US funds only, ae S an excellent Chritsmas Gift and a full year reminder of