Che Detroit Marine Historian JOURNAL OF MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT Volume 33, No. 4 December, 1979 Rev. Peter J. Van der Linden, Editor, 4190 Green Dr., Harsens Island, Michigan 48028 Published Monthly Annual Dues $8.00 FEATURING SHIPS THAT NEVER DIE #214 CE EEE TPO LLLP) tht P Ceri Pccet (See Ss eee ee T MAW BEC ty RecoustmucTeD i. ARRANGEMENT BN [: ar Ct) 1 Y Al ee TEP tReADE, 78 INDIANA Sketch by C. P. Labadie The propeller INDIANA was built at Vermilion, Ohio in 1848, to dimensions of 146'6" x 23' x 10'10", 349 34/85 tons. She foundered on Lake Superior in 1858 and was located by scuba divers seven years ago. HHH HH In the first of a two-part series, our Society Archivist, Dr. Richard Wright, Director of Bowling Green (Ohio) State University's Center for Archival Collections, details the history of the vessel and the beginning of the salvage last August of the steamer's engine, boiler and main propulsion equipment. His story, which begins on Page 2, will be concluded in the January 1980 issue of the Historian. ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Society's first 1980 General Membership Meeting will be convened at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial at $:00 P.M. on Saturday, January 26th. Your Treasurer, Bill Iuke, will present a program of slides entitled, "A Trip Down the Seaway". Mark your calendar for this occasion and plan to be with us then.