Much yet is to be learned about this early propulsion system. The restora- tion process already underway at Smithsonian could take as much as two or three years. Wood, which was totally soaked, must be dried slowly and under controlled conditions. Metal and rust will be analyzed and treated. The INDIANA Project must be deemed a success because the machinery was recovered. It also was a success be- cause of the close cooperation that occurred between public and private agencies and persons. And finally, it is gratifying to know that the Great Lakes maritime tradition will be featured by the presence of INDIANA's machinery in our national museum. } (The photos of the salvage are courtesy of the Center For Archival Collections, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 43403) kK ANNOUNCEMENTS The February general meeting will be held on Friday, February 22, 1980 at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum. Our speaker will be Mr. Bob Lee, curator of the museum and his topic will be "Ford's Tin-Lizzie Fleet". Be sure to reserve February 22 at 8:00 PM to hear and see this worthwhile program. An exciting new book, entitled "From the Wheelhouse" written about the HAMONIC by her former captain, Horace L. Beaton, is now available from the Boston Mills Press, R.R. #1, Cheltenham, Ontario LOP ICO. Retail price is $8.95. It has loads of great pictures and is well worth the investment. The Machinery Cleveland-Cliffs' steamer FRONTENAC has been found to be damaged beyond economical repair as result of her Novem- ber 22nd grounding at Silver Bay and will be dismantled. Consideration is being given to use her stern section or just her propulsion unit in repowering another Cliffs' vessel. The crippled FRONTENAC (see accompanying photo) is a 1923 product of the Great Lakes Engineering Works, Bill Luke, Editor River Rouge. She was repowered with a 5,000 shp steam turbine at American Ship's Toledo yard during the winter 1953-54. ** Columbia's self-unloader steamer G. A. TOMLINSON arrived at Ashtabula on December 13th where she will be scrapped by Triad Salvage, Inc. ** MHSD Member Captain Bill Hoey's Gaelic Tugboat Company has acquired the bunkering barge MARINE FUEL and renamed her GAELIC 101. ** Upper Lakes Shipping's new 730-foot CANADIAN ENTERPRISE was upbound at the Soo on December 21st on her maiden trip. ** Port Weller Dry Docks has been awarded contract for a $54.8 million icebreaker for the Canadian government. Her delivery is set for 1982, ** The Welland Canal shunter system will Continued on Page 5 -4%