MEL WILLIAM SELVICK Photo by Tim Blackwell Steel bulk freighter built in 1892 by the Globe Iron Works in Cleveland, Ohio (Hull #47) 292.8 x 40.4 x 20.1; 2277 gross tons (US. 116495) as (a) SAMUEL MITCHELL, con- verted to a self-unloading cement carrier at Marine City, Michigan by McLouth in 1916. Reconverted in 1943 to bulk freighter at New Orleans, Louisiana; again converted to cement carrier at Sturgeon Bay in 1948. SELVICK in 1971. Reduced to a barge at Sturgeon Bay in 1974. Renamed (b) MEL WILLIAM THE LOG (Continued) D. M. CLEMSON, THOMAS F. COLE, ALVA C. DINKEY, D. G. KERR, GOVERNOR MILLER and J. P. MORGAN, JR., all of which have been sold to domestic and foreign breakers ear, %** Contrary to previous reports, Interlake's recently-converted steamer ELTON HOYT 2ND., will see service this Fall. She is being fitted out at Toledo. There are indications that Bethlehem Steel's newly-completed 1,000-foot BURNS HARBOR, a product of Bay Ship at Sturgeon Bay, may also see service this late 1980 season. ** Republic Steel and Boco (American Steamship) have recently announced a long-term agreement for the transport of ore pellets from Republic's new Lorain ore- unloading dock to its Cleveland mill docks. To be initially involved are Boco's self-unloaders BUFFALO and SAM LAUD, then joined by the 635-foot motorship CUYAHOGA, completing at Bay Ship's Sturgeon Bay shipyard. delivery in the Spring. The new vessel is scheduled for Marine Historical Society of Detroit, Inc. al 980-1981 Officers President Paul LaMarre, 9108 Church Rd., Grosse Isle, Mi 48138 Vice President Don Dube, 1127 Howard, Windsor, Ont. N9A 1S6 Secretary Bob Zeleznik, 877 University Pl., Grosse Pte., Mi 48230 Treasurer Bill Luke, 20255 Wellesley Blvd., Birmingham, Mi 48010 Editor Fr. Van der Linden, 29825 Joy Road, Westland, Mi 48185 Publications Mgr. Harry Wolf, 1686 Evans Ave., Detroit, Mi 48209 Archivist E60= Dr. Richard Wright, 5th Floor, University Library, Bowling Green, Ohio 48403