S The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 35, No. 7 - March, 1982 Published Monthly Annual Dues $8.00 Rev. Peter Van der Linden, Editor - 29825 Joy Road - Westland, Michigan 48185 FLEET OF THE MINNESOTA~ATLANTIC TRANSIT CO. "The Poker Fleet" Part I by Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S.J. ACE Taylor Photo Steel standard-type "laker" (US. 218268) built in 1919 as a) LAKE FROHNA by American Shipbuilding Co., Lorain, Ohio (Hull #759): 251 x 43.6 x 26.2; 2,616 Beeee es Renamed b) ACE in 1925. Returned to salt water about 1942 and rendied c) M ZALINSKI (USQMD). Stranded near Pitt Island, British Columbia on septeuber! = 1946. Total loss. Scrapped in 1948. ANNOUNCEMENTS: On Friday, March 12, at 8:00 p.m. at the Dossin Museum, John Clarke will present his show entitled, "Let's Have a Splash Party." Originally scheduled for January 22, but cancelled by bad weather, this presentation describes how an actual ship launch- ing takes place, and promises to be a most interesting evening. The Society's Annual Dinner Meeting is scheduled for April 24, also at Dossin. Bill Luke will present a slide show, "Golden Goodies." Reservation instructions and more details will be included with the April Historian.