The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 36, No. 11 - July 1983 Published Monthly Annual Dues $8.00 Rev. Peter Vander Linden, Editor - 29825 Joy Road - Westland, Michigan 48185 INTRODUCING: JOHN B. AIRD Maiden Voyage Downbound Photo John O. Greenwood Steel Self- Emloeder (Cc. 02728). Built in 1983 at Collingwood and Thunder Bay, Ontario, by Mi d o. (stern 570' built at Collingwood, bow section 160' at Thunder Bay). (Hull Sota 730' x 75' 10" x 46" 6"; 22,881 gross tons. VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: So far we have 329 prepublication subscriptions for "Great Lakes Ships We Remember Il." We need 71 more! Please send your checks payable to The Marine Historical Society for $30.00 to Bill Luke, 20255 Wellesley, Birmingham, Michigan 48010. The book will be out by Christmas if we get 400 subscriptions. Send for it now!