The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 37, No. 4 - December 1983 Published Monthly Annual Dues $10.00 Rev. Peter Vander Linden, Editor ad 29825 Joy Road ' Westland, Michigan 48185 THE NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. 1888-1916 PART IL By Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S.J. 4 NORTH STAR (1) Bell Photo ANNOUNCEMENTS Great Lakes Ships We Remember II - Progress is being made! We hope to have it to our prepublication subscribers by February. The delay is due to the holiday season, the many changes, and a break down of machinery at the printers. Great Lakes Ships We Remember I will be reprinted in January of 1984. If you wish to receive both volumes please write Freshwater Press, ' P.O. Box 14009, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. 4 For additional copies of the 1984 calendar at $3.00 U.S. funds each, or back issues of the Historian, write Jim Jackson, 3546 Polk, Dearborn, Michigan 48124. ** MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR**