SEACONNET MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Corrections: January Fleet List P.2 JOHN C. GAULT - "Renamed FELIX CARBRAY in 1909" P.3 RUSSELL SAGE - "Became Canadian RUSSELL SAGE (C.138234) and ATLASCO" In June, one of the special cruises of the Steamer SEQWUN on the Muskoka Lakes, north of Toronto this coming season is entitled "The Commodore Cruise". Many members of the Toronto Marine Historical Society as well as members of our own society have taken the cruise in the past years. The Commodore Cruise will be an overnight cruise and the ship will visit many historical points on the lakes where it is impractical to steam during the regular season. For information, please write Muskoka Lakes Navigation & Hotel Co. Ltd., Box 68, Gravenhurst, Ontario, POC 1GO. The Historical Society of Michigan has in supply a number of their 1984 calendars featuring Michigan lighhouses, twelve pen and ink sketches by Leo Kuschel of Taylor. -5- Editor's Collection If you are interested in purchasing a copy, contact the Historical Society of Michigan at 2117 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. The total cost, including sales tax and postage is $7.44 each, The 1984 Marine Historical Society of Detroit calendar is also available for just $3.00 from our Publications Manager, Jim Jackson, 3546 Polk, Dearborn, Michigan 48124. Jim also has back issues of the Historian, "Ahoy and Farewell" and many more _ informative brochures put out by our own Society over the past 35 years. . Our new format, the logo at the top of the first page, and the Log, we hope will give writers a chance to contact the right persons at the right time. Please address your inquiries to our Secretary, Bob Zeleznik if you want to join our society; to Bill Luke if you have new boat news for his "Log" or to me if you want information on particular ships. We will be most happy to accomodate you. Thanks for your support, Fr. Pete