The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 37, No. 8 - April 1984 Published Monthly Annual Dues $10.00 Rev. Peter Vander Linden, Editor = 29825 Joy Road - Westland, Michigan 48185 Secretary: Membership, Changes - Bob Zeleznik - 877 University - Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230 SEVEN "SALTIES" FROM ECORSE VACUUM (ex BAYAMON) Collection of the Late John E. Poole ANNOUNCEMENTS The Annual Dinner Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 28 at Captain 2 Restaurant, Algonac, Michigan. Mr. Louis Cahill, Executive Director, Inside Canada Public Relations Group, Ltd., will present "Some Thoughts about Welland Canal Country". For Reservations write Bill Luke. Great Lakes Ships We Remember II - Should be mailed to pre-subscribers by the middle of April. $34.50 + shipping. The delay is at the printer, Edwards Brothers. Great Lakes Ships We Remember I, completely revised, will also be available. Write Freshwater Press, P.O. Box 14009, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. $24.75 + shipping.