= ) ROCHESTER (ex YAGUEZ) Dues and Log Correspondence 20255 Wellesley Birmingham, MI 48010 Bill Luke, Editor A recent double loading at a Chessie Systems coal terminal at Newport News was in the news when the Japanese-flag SHINZUI MARU loaded 76,000 tons of coal consigned to Nippon Steel in Japan, An additional 30,000 tons were taken on the salty in the Strait of Canso, Nova Scotia by a top-off from CSL's 730-foot ATLANTIC SUPERIOR which had loaded that cargo from the same Chessie dock at Newport News. *** The 1984 season in the Seaway marks the 25th Anniversary of its opening. Misener Transportation's motorship RALPH MISENER will lead the eastbound vessels opening this historic season for the waterway. ***Malcolm Marine's TUG MALCOLM assisted Fr. Dowling Collection Huron Cement's steamer S. T. CRAPO through the upper St. Clair River and Lake Huron Cut on March 8th to initiate the 1984 season in that area. The barge WITTRANSPORT II long-moored at Kingston and considered by many there as that port's chief eyesore, may yet be moved to her intended role in the Caribbean as a water tanker. Her owners are said to be planning her move to Chicago this spring, the first leg of her move south via the Mississippi. *** Other moves this spring and early summer will involve three former steamers of the Parrish and Heimbecker fleet. Sold for dismantling at Port Maitland, the ELMGLEN, FERNGLEN