The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 37, No. 10 - June 1984 Published Monthly Annual Dues $10.00 Rev. Peter Vander Linden, Editor - 29825 Joy Road = Westland, Michigan 48185 Bob Zeleznik, Sec., Change of Address & New Members - 877 University - Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 SHIPS TO BE REMEMBERED 3 John B. Cowle (2) John B. Cowle Young Photo ANNOUNCEMENTS Our fellow member, Victor West has written a new book entitled: "A Guide to Shipwreck Sites Along the Oregon Coast". This well documented book is now available at a pre-publication price of only $4.95 PPD. Make check or money order payable to Wells & West, Publishers, 1166 Winsor, Qortn Bend, Oregon, 97459. Offer Good until June 21, 1984. Great Lakes Ships We Remember II - Now available. $34.75 + $2.50 shipping. Great Lakes Ships We Remember I, pletely revised, now available. Write Freshwater Press, P.O. Box 14009, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. $24.75 + $2.50 shipping. Both also available at Dossin Museum on Belle Isle.