MARINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DETROIT - HISTORIANS OF THE YEAR Merkel Seles The Marine Historical Society of Detroit presented Ivan S. Brookes from q of the Year Hamilton, Ontario as the 1985 Historian of the Year. Mr. Brookes is recognized researcher, writer and photographer of Great Lakes maritime history. At an an early age he cruised the lower St. Lawrence River which sparked his interest in that area, Many of his surnmets were spent exploring, photographing and researching the shores from Quebec City to Anticosti Inland. He discavered that lttle wae writian on recent maritime history of that area #0 he collected tha matarlal af hie years aliresearch andaithared « bacle entitled The Lower St. Lawrence, which is considered the definitive work on the sub jec Mr. Brookes is a retired engineer from wid Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., resides in Hamilton, Ontario, ls married and tends his rose garden when he le not conducting hie research of the shipping activity in the Hamilton area. The Marine Historical Society of Detroit proudly recognizes Ivan S. Brookes as the latest of the number of illustrious Great Lakes Historians so honore 1969 William A. MeDonakd 1977 Reverend ie = Vander Linden 1970 Captain Frank E. Hamilton 1978 Richard J. Ws reat Father Edward J. Dowling, S.J. 1979 CrPatrick Lacie, 1972 Eric Heyl 1980 don P. Bug 1973 John H. Ba 1981 Jai idd 1974 Dana Thomas Bowen 1982 David T. Gli 1975 Loudon Wilson 1983 Daniel C. McCormick 1976 Captian 4. C. Inches 1984 Edward N. Middleton JOHN J. RAMMACHER Young Photo New Ford Boats at Fraser Ship GEORGE A. SLOAN Terry Sechen Photo Wes Harkins Photo