. THAT'S HOW POPULAR THIS STANDARD 88' TUG IS! 2» A September 1952 advertisement from Alexander Shipyard, Inc. promoting their standard 88' tug. Of the total of 14 tugs built by Alexander utilizing this design, Gaelic currently owns six, the Tuts rugged and popular tug boat is the proven answer to present day needs in this type of boat. The JEN- NIFER GEORGE (shown above) was built for Bay Houston Towing Com- pany of Houston, Texas. Nine of the fourteen boats we built like this are in use by affiliated Houston in- terests. By using war surplus materials, to get the cost down, we were able to achieve the greatest possible econ- omy ... and still include four out- standing features which are shown in the above photos, These features are: (A)-7 hp. McKiernan - Terry Capstan. (B)—c™ 12567 Diesel 1 Engine «-- with Falk Re- pero Gear, giving wheel speed of 300 r.p.m. (C) —30 kw GM 371 115-volt Dc. Generators. (D)—sperry Electric Mechanical Steering System. Consult us about Planning and building YOUR boats. _ALEXAND P. O. BOX 8188 Inc. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Taleehones VAlley 2408 BUILDERS OF FINE MARINE EQUIPMENT Marine Engineering and Shipping Review SEPTEMBER ,IIEZ BANTRY BAY, GALWAY BAY, NEWCASTLE, PATRICIA HOEY, ATLAS and SUSAN HOEY. oe