The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 40, No. 6- February 1987 Published Monthly Annual Dues $10.00 Rev. Peter Vander Linden, Editor - 29825 Joy Road - Westland, Michigan 48185 Bob Zeleznik, Secretary - Membership - Changes - 877 University - Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230 THE CROSBY FLEETS - PART 3 By Rev. Edward J. Dowling, S.J. MISSOURI Ed Wilson Photo MISSOURI (U.S. 200861), Steel passenger ship built in 1904 by Chicago Shipbuilding Co. (Hull #65) for Northern Michigan Transportation Company. 225 x 40 x 27; 2434 gross tons. Heavily built for winter navigation. Acquired by Wisconsin & Michigan Transportation Co. in 1927. Inactive in late Thirties. Engines removed in 1942 and placed in the Ford barge LAKE INAHA. Hull scrapped at Hamilton, Ontario in 1947. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Annual Dinner Meeting: Please reserve Saturday, April 25th for our Annual Dinner Meeting. It will be held this year at the St. Clair Inn in St. Clair, Michigan. Further details will be provided in future Historians. February Entertainment Meeting: Our next entertainment meeting will be held on Friday, February 13th, 1987 at 8:00 P.M. at the Dossin Museum on Belle Isle. Bill Luke's slide presentation will include an on board account of the final 4-day trip of the PAUL H. CARNAHAN. 1987 Calendar: Copies of our 1987 calendar are available at $7.50 (U.S. Funds) each, including postage, and may be ordered from our Publications Manager, Jim Jackson, 3546 Polk, Dearborn, Michigan 48124.