More To The Scrappers II (continued) —— ROGERS CITY - Welland Canal - November 29, 1987 Rick Nicholls Photo Steel self - unloader (U.S. 223352) built in 1923 at Lorain, Ohio by American Ship Building Company (Hull #787): 537.81 x 60 x 32; 7,318 gross tons, for Bradley Transportation Company as a.) B. H. TAYLOR. Repowered from triple expansion to steam turbine in 1955. Renamed b.) ROGERS CITY in 1957. Laid up for the last time December 17, 1981 at Rogers City, Michigan. Sold for off lakes use. Departed July 17, 1987 and towed to Menominee. Towed down to Welland Canal December 2, 1987. Dismantled at Recife, Brazil. BIRCHGLEN - St. Lawrence River - April 23, 1988 Rene Beauchamp Photo Steel bulk freighter (U.S. 226176) built in 1927 at Lorain, Ohio by the American Ship Building Company (Hull #793): 587.81 x 60 x 32; 9,071 gross tons, for Interlake Steamship Co. as a.) WILLIAM MCLAUGHLIN. Renamed b.) SAMUEL MATHER (5) in 1966. Sold Canadian in 1976 renamed c.) JOAN M. MCCULLOUGH (c.370162). Renamed d.) BIRCHGLEN in 1982. Laid up for the last time October 16, 1987 at Toronto. Departed under tow April 23, 1988 bound for Sydney, 22s 2