v Santa Paula, California. Museum. LOUDON GUTHRIE (SCOTTIE) WILSON Loudon Guthrie “Scottie” Wilson, 85, retired Detroit commercial artist and research specialist in Great Lakes sailing ships of the 1600's, died November 19, 1986 after a long illness in Loudon Wilson was named our Historian of the Year in 1975. He was also a member of the Great Lakes Maritime Institute, Great Lakes Historical Society, and Manitowoc Maritime To his wife, Grace and sons Craig, Alan, Gary, and Thomas, we extend our sympathies. lh THE LOG dim Jackson, Editor 3546 Polk Dearborn, Michigan 46124 On March 13, Ford Motor Company's subsidiary Rouge Steel announced it will sell its 66 year old marine operations, begun by company founder Henry Ford, thus ending an era in Great Lakes Shipping. Ford said it will sell its Operations to Lakes Shipping Company, a Subsidiary of Interlake Steamship Company of Cleveland. Included in the sale were BENSON FORD, HENRY FORD Il, and WILLIAM CLAY FORD. Future delivery of iron ore, limestone, and coal to Rouge Steel operations in Dearborn will be handled by Lakes Shipping. In explaining the sale, Ford officials decided, after a detailed study, that the company would be better off in the late 1980's to reach a long-term agreement with another company to handle its shipment of raw materials. It is expected that Lake Shipping will rename both BENSON FORD and WILLIAM CLAY FORD, however, the future of HENRY FORD li continues to be uncertain. WILLIAM CLAY FORD was observed in the ) Rouge slip in mid-March with her name painted ” out and Ford emblem removed from her stack. *** ~~ Huron’s PAUL H. TOWNSEND departed Detroit on March 11 and arrived in Alpena on March 12, marking the beginning of the 1989 shipping season in the area. *** The 1989 shipping season opened at the Soo Locks on March 15 with the upbound passage of U.S. Steel's EDGAR B. SPEER. U.S. Steel's EDWIN H. GOTT was the first commercial vessel in 1989 to clear the Poe Lock downbound on March 16. Both the SPEER and the GOTT were assisted through the heavy ice in the St. Mary's River by Wellington Towing's CHIPPEWA. *** The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority has announced that the opening of the 1989 navigation season is scheduled for March 30 on the Montreal-Lake Ontario section and March 31 on the Welland Canal. *** St. Lawrence Seaway Authority's President William O'Neil and U.S. Seaway Administrator James L. Emery announced a 4 1/2 percent per year increase in Seaway tolls for 1989 and 1990. All government aid food cargo will be exempt from Seaway tolls, while tolls on lumber will be reclassified as bulk cargo rather than general cargo, resulting in a savings of 53 percent per ton. This 4 1/2 percent increase will affect vessels and cargo moving through both the Montreal-Lake Ontario and the Welland Canal sections of the Seaway. Tolls Collected for passage through the two US. Locks near Massena, New York will continue to be rebated to the users by the US. Department of Treasury. *** The Ontario Northland Transportation Commission has purchased the Norwegian passenger and auto ferry SKUDENES which will join CHI-CHEEMAUN 42-8-5