decided. The actual number turned out to be 199 ships because one of the lakers on the scrap list was sold at the reserve price. Fifty ships out of this number were “submarine” types, the remaining 149 were lake-built boats. The submarine types were larger three island ships built on the East Coast by the Submarine Boat Corp., Newark, New Jersey, where the famous naval architect, Frank E. Kirby, acted as an engineering consultant during World War |. These vessels were 335°6" in length, 46° in beam, 28°6" depth, 5,085 to 5,340 tons deadweight. They were equipped with steam turbine engines and oil burning water tube boilers from which 1,440 shaft H.P. was generated to produce a speed of 10.5 knots (Some Lakers were scrapped at a Coast shipyards before the contract was let). Henry Ford was successful in the bidding and purchased the 199 ships for a total of $1,697,470.00, an average of $8,530 each, which was considerably less than the reserve price. The contract was signed August 168, 1925, with a number of constraints. The ships were to be taken “where is” and “ as is” and had to be scrapped within a two year period. The hulls had to be scrapped and could not be converted to any navigable use other than for Ford's own purposes. Furthermore, machinery salvaged could not be sold and, if not scrapped, could be used only in Conjunction with Ford's own enterprises. Ford saw, in scrapping these ships, an opportunity to obtain low cost steel to supply his steel mill's open-hearth furnaces. Also, Ford was in an expansion period and much of the material taken from the ships would be integrated into his plants. He planned to do all the scrapping at the “Fordson” plant except for the submarine types which were too long for the canal system which existed at that time. These ships would be scrapped in three East Coast yards and transshipped to the-Rouge in laker holds. Distribution of the laid up ships to be scrapped by Ford were as follows: Lakers in Gulf Ports: Orange, Texas New Orleans, Louisiana. Mobile, Alabama. Lakers on the East Coast: James River (near Norfolk)....90 Hog Island (Delaware River).....9 Staten Island, New York........... 7 Jones Point (Hudson River)....14 Submarine Type: James River. Hog Island... Total. 50 Te be continued... ale THE LOG The purchasers of the former Canadian Coast Guard icebreakers D'IBERVILLE and N. B. MCLEAN were Lung Ching Steel Enterprise Company Ltd. of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Scrapping operations on the N. B. MCLEAN began on February 28, 1989 while operations on the D'IBERVILLE began March 16. *%** NAVY 760 and NAVY 761, two surplus one tugs which were downbound in the Seaway in — late August, will be used by the St. Lawrence q Seaway Development Corporation as 43-3-4