The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 43, No. 4 -December 1989 RY q OF O - Published Monthly OCTET TRON Annual Dues $15.00 Jim Jackson and Mike Nicholls, Editors 3546 Polk Dearborn, Michigan 48124 Mark Cowles, Secretary 514 Aberdeen Way Howell, Michigan 48843 SCRAPPING THE SURPLUS WORLD WAR I LAKERS--PART 2 / by Wayne Garrett LAKE FRAY in tow of Ford tugs. The tug on the stern is the BALLCAMP. Photo courtesy of Henry Ford Museum, the Edison Institute. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1990 CALENDAR: Additional 1990 LAKERS/MHSD color calendars are available at $8.95 each (U.S. funds) including postage and may be ordered from our Publications Manager, Jim Jackson, 3546 Polk, Dearborn, Ml 48124. These handsome calendars will make great Christmas gifts for your boat-minded friends. JANUARY ENTERTAINMENT MEETING: Our next entertainment meeting will be held on Friday, January w 19, 1990 at the Dossin Museum on Belle Isle commencing at 8:00 PM. Details of the program will be announced in the January HISTORIAN. Happy Holidays