w ADDITIONAL OCEAN CARGO VESSELS: LAKE GORIN Steel laker (U.S.217017) built in 1918 at pena Michigan by the pete Ship Building Company (Hull#234) for the U.S. Shipping Board as a.) LAKE GORIN: 250.5 X 43.8 X 22.2; 2,368 gross tons. pues by Ford in 1925, sold Norwegian in 1937 renamed b.) NIDARDAL. Foundered on December 16, LAKE ORMOC Steel laker peer se) built in 1918 at Svandotte. Michigan by the Detroit Ship Building company (Hull#228) for the U.S. Shipping Board as a) LAKE ORMOC: 250.5 X 43.8 X 22.2; 2,368 gros: Purchased ne Ford in 1925, converted to a diesel in 1928. Sold Norwegian in 1948 renamed by SIGNEFJORD. Renamed c.) GUNNY in 1949, sold to Italian owners in 1954. Sank after stranding near Cape Rizzuto, 15 miles south of Crotone, lonian Sea, December 22, 1962. LAKE OSWEYA Steel laker (U.S.216914) built in 1918 at Saginaw, Michigan by the Saginaw Ship Building Company (Hull#131) for the U.S. Shipping Board: 250.5 X 43.8 X 22.2; 2,416 gross tons. Purchased by Ford in 1925. Requisitioned by the U.S. Maritime Commission during World War Il, she was lost by enemy action in the North Atlantic on February 19, 1942. ONIEDA Steel laker (U.S.220779) built in 1920 at Wyandotte, Michigan by the Detroit Ship Building Company (Hull#285) for the Independent Steamship Company: 251 X 43.6 X 22.2; 2,309 gross tons. Purchased by Ford in 1924, requisitioned by the U.S. Maritime Commission during World War Ii. Lost by enemy action in the Caribbean on July 13, 1942. Father Dowling has recently discovered that the following two vessels were part of the Ford Motor Company. PEQUAMING Wood scow built in 1918 at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Early history very vaguely recorded. First listed in U.S.MY. in 1921 (U.S.168042) as owned by Hebard of atl Listed as owned by Ford as of 1925. (Could be a rebuild and rename of U.S. Corps of Engineers scow RIP RAP built in 1911, dimensions agree.) Information requested. FORD NO 1 Wood lighter & tug Wrens built in 1919 at Milford, Delaware by W. Abbott one Building easel {Hull#unknown) as a.) D COLLORA: 123 X 22 X 10; 194 gross tons. Purchased by Ford in 1920 renamed b. FORD NO 1. A seat never on the lakes, she was sold in 1938 renamed c.) ADELAIDE JACKSON and d.) SEAWOOD by 1944. Abandoned due to age in 1971. Photo needed. To be continued... 43-8-3