The Detroit Marine Historian Journal of Marine Historical Society of Detroit Volume 43, No. 11 - July 1990 Published Monthly Socyet OF LbpRO Annual Dues $20.00 dim Jackson and Mike Nicholls, Editors 3546 Polk Dearborn, Michigan 48124 Mark Cowles, Secretary 514 Aberdeen Way Howell, Michigan 48843 FORD MOTOR COMPANY--PART 6 JOHN DYKSTRA photo courtesy Peter B. Worden, Sr. collection See caption on 43- 11-2 for BENSON FORD (ii). ANNOUNCEMENTS: The chairperson of the Elections Committee wishes to thank those members who m voted this last election. Elected to the Advisory Council for a three year term are Wayne Garrett, © Robert Pocotte, Rudi Rabe, and J. Edward Schwartz. Thank you for your support. Enclosed with this issue is your 1990/91 dues notice. Please remit your $20.00 (U.S. funds) to our treasurer, Bob Pocotte, 52 Middlebury Court, Dearborn, MI 48120.