A lh THE LOG On mt 7, keel laying ceremonies were held at Builders Inc. of Sturgeon Bay for McMI1, a mine countermeasure craft to be named GLADIATOR. She is the eighth such vessel built by Peterson, and the yard has a contract to build three more. *** On May 14, CATHERINE DESGAGNES touched bottom off the Saskatchewan Pool elevators in Thunder Bay. With assistance from Purvis Marine's tug W. J. IVAN PURVES, she was released ui and continued on her voyage to Montreal with 7,720 tons of wheat. *** On May 20, the National Park Service's tug J. E. COLOMBE and barge BEAVER left Houghton with construction materials bound for Isle Royale. The Park Service is building three new dorms on the island for park personnel, and J. E. COLOMBE will spend the summer transporting various equipment and material to the island. *** McKeil's tug GLENEVIS was upbound at the Soo on June 7 pushing a laden with a 97-foot, 16 feet in diameter cylinder weighting 63 metric tons bound for Duluth. At Duluth, the cylinder was unloaded utilizing the port's two 90-ton gantry cranes working in tandem and placed onto a specially designed truck for transport to a DuPont plant in Gibbons, Alberta. Built in Montreal, this unique cylinder will be used in the production of peroxide. *** On June 6 in Superior, KINSMAN ENTERPRISE loaded a partial load of taconite at the Burlington Northern No. 5 dock and then shifted to Harvest States No. 2 elevator to load grain. The ore was bound for Cleveland, and the grain for Buffalo. *** On June 20, Bethlehem’s BURNS HARBOR experienced propulsion problems and as a result, shut down two engines and proceeded down the St. Mary's River escorted by Great Lakes ” Towing’s MISSOURI and VERMONT. *** The Annual Detroit River Tugboat Race was held on Sunday, June 24 at 1:00 PM. This event, sponsored by the International Freedom Festival, draws scores of observers to both sides of the Detroit River as the tugs race toward the finish line off Dieppe Park in downtown Windsor. Nineteen tugs participated in this year’s race, with the following awards presented to the winners: First across the finish line - KRISTEN LEE, Under 200 horsepower class - VIDA C., 201-400 HP class - AMERIGO DEAN, 401-750 HP class - NEPTUNE Ill, 751-1300 HP class - PRINCESS, and 1301 HP and over class - KRISTEN LEE. *** On June 24, the tall ship MADELINE, a replica of a 19th Century Great Lakes sailing ship, was launched from the Great Lakes Maritime Academy in Traverse City. The 35-ton vessel, under construction since 1985 by the Maritime Heritage Alliance with mostly volunteer labor, is to be a re-creation of the original MADELINE which sailed into Bowers harbor of the west shores of Old Mission Peninsula 149 years ago. The original MADELINE was used as the first private school in the Grand Traverse area, and her replica will also be used for educational purposes; carrying school children on half-day trips to learn the history, culture, and ecology of the Great Lakes. **%* Purvis Marine's 136-foot tug ANGLIAN LADY and barge CHIEF WAWATAM arrived in Windsor on June 25 with structural steel loaded at the Algoma Central plant in the Canadian Soo. For CHIEF WAWATAM, it marked her first trip as a barge after sailing many years as a rail fe between Mackinaw City and St. Ignace. ** On June 27, Captain Howard Dobbins and the crew of Michigan-Wisconsin Transportation's BADGER delivered an unusual cargo across Lake Michigan - an estimated $20 million worth of pre-1937 vehicles participating in the Great American Race. The race, from New York to Anaheim California, features a $250,000 purse. BADGER crewman loaded all 127 race and support vehicles without scratching one of them. *** On June 26, while downbound in Lake Huron off Rogers City, the tanker SATURN reported a man missing. David Gerasimos of Trenton, Michigan was scheduled to go on watch at 43-12-5