SEAWAY SANTA <i This past August my husband and | were fortunate enough to travel as quests on the QUEBECOIS of ULS Corporation. The sunrises, sunsets, and lovely scenery, which cannot be experienced from shore, were thrilling. Spending many hours every day in the pilothouse and on deck for two weeks, we came to know most of the crew members and delighted in their warm and friendly companionship. One of the crew members, an oiler, Clarence J. Dick (C.J. as he is fondly known), extends his friendship far beyond his ship. An orphan as a child, having lived in foster homes, C.J. is especially concerned with the happiness of children. So, in July and just prior to Christmas, when the QUEBECOIS, C.J.'s home-away-from-home for the past eighteen years, is in the Dwight D. Eisenhower lock in the St. Lawrence Seaway, C.J. dresses in his personal Santa Claus suit, complete with a fine looking full beard and bushy eyebrows. One of the mates or the captain will have radioed ahead and local radio stations announce to the public when “Seaway Santa”, as he has come to be known, will be on hand with treats and warm and welcoming arms, eager to hear children's Christmas wishes. Naturally, C.J. hears some pretty interesting requests, many of which he cherishes, from scores of children. Last year, he heard one very unusual and special wish, when a small boy assured him he wanted nothing at all for himself, but pleaded for gifts for his mother. C.J. happily told us that last year the entire crew of the QUEBECOIS donated money for coloring books and treats for the children who come in droves to see him and the mighty ship he calls home from March through December or January. Living in Michigan, | have frequently throughout the years seen the majestic freighters which travel our lakes. | have wondered where they were bound, and what kind of people worked on them. Now, in the past few years, | have been lucky enough to see many of their ports and come to know many very interesting and wonderful people who sail our Great Lakes. Editors note: The above letter was sent to us by member Carol A. Foley of Warren, Michigan. With the Holiday Season upon us, we thought C.J. and his thoughtfulness exemplified the true meaning of Christmas. 44-4-6