British Whig (Kingston, ON), Dec. 1, 1882
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Last Night's Storm.
There was a great storm on the lake last night, and a number of vessels now at Cape Vincent show demonstrations of its fury. The schr. G.M. Chase had her bulwarks carried away. Her cargo was also shifted. The schr. Ganges had her canvass split into shreds and lost her yawl and davits. They were carried away by the heavy sea running. The schr. Henry Folger cleared from the canal at the same time as the other two, but had not arrived at the Cape when our informant left. She may have passed Kingston. At the canal there were no signs of her leaking. She has coal for Brockville.
Later - The schr. Henry Folger passed here today.
Another Success Scored By Captain Donnelly.
Captain John Donnelly, Wrecking Master for the Dominion Salvage and Wrecking Company, returned to the city last night after scoring his first success for the Company on the upper lakes. He was absent three weeks during which time numerous events have occurred calculated to raise the reputation of the Company for quick despatch. The str. Conqueror first pulled off the propeller Georgian, ashore on Club Island, Georgian Bay. The prop. will require a new bottom. A survey of her was made and it is estimated that $1,700 will be required to repair her. Her cargo of flour was sold for $6,000. The str. next rescued the prop. Kincardine ashore near Little Current. She had a deck load of stone, a hold full of car tracks for Algoma Mills, and a $6,000 consignment of merchandize for Michael's Bay, Manitoulin Island. The prop. was taken off and her cargo of stone and car wheels delivered. The merchandize was damaged to the extent of $3,000. It was sold today. The injury to the propeller will not be over $500. The str. Conqueror towed the prop. Kincardine to Owen Sound. She went through considerable bad weather but was handled with the discrimination for which Capts. T. Donnelly and Booth are noted. At Detroit orders were given to have the Conqueror rescue the schr. Maple Leaf ashore at Turtle Point, Lake Erie, near Port Dover. She will then return to Kingston and winter here.
Capts. J. Donnelly and Rondon, Marine Inspector, Buffalo, yesterday visited the schr. Enterprise ashore at West Point. She was found sunk in 5 ft. of water and her cargo of barley damaged. The latter has been sold and negotiations are in progress for the rescue of the vessel. Capt. Donnelly says he can pump her out in a short time and that she will be delivered to the owners at this port. His work has been commended upon in all the Western ports, and only yesterday the following telegram was sent by Mr. J.T. Douglass, of the Western Insurance Company, Toronto, to the Wrecking Company here.
"Congratulate Company on success of the lake operations. Capt. Donnelly has succeeded beyond our expectations in every loss he has handled for the Western."
Mr. S.E. Gregory and Capt. Herriman, the latter President of the Wrecking Company, arrived here last evening from Hamilton. Immediate steps will be taken by them to build a first-class wrecking tug for the upper lakes. Next year the Company will probably open an office at Windsor.
p.3 New Elevator - Nellie Theresa brought first cargo of barley to elevator at Sodus Point.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Dec. 1, 1882
- Local identifier
- KN.14614
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great