British Whig (Kingston, ON), Jan. 27, 1883
- Full Text
p.3 Steamboat Business - A statement which recently went the rounds of the press, that the steamer Peerless had been purchased by the Rathbuns to run in lieu of the Armenia, seems to be a mistake. The latter goes to the Georgian Bay, and so do the Peerless and Magnet, which have been leased from the Ontario & Richelieu Navigation Company by the Toronto, Grey and Bruce R.R. The str. Hastings (C.F. Gildersleeve's) has been chartered by Rathbun & Son, and will next season run between Deseronto and Ogdensburg, the developed trade of which route justifies the employment of a larger boat.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Jan. 27, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14637
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great