British Whig (Kingston, ON), March 8, 1883
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Mr. Platt, in moving in the House of Commons, a resolution for a return regarding the life-saving stations, made a strong appeal to the Government for the establishment of a life-saving service. He contrasted Canada's position in this respect with that of Great Britain and the United States. He traced the history of the grand philanthropic society known as "The Royal Life-Boat Institution," from its first inception in 1824 to the present time, and gave the authority of the institution's returns for the statement that it had in 1873 242 life-boats under its charge, that it had saved 28,153 lives, and property to the value of over 5,000,000 pounds sterling. It had distributed 970 medals and 42,000 pounds as rewards for acts of heroism among those in its service. Besides this its example and the earnest interest its promoters took in the work elsewhere had led to the establishment of similar services in Russia, Italy, Turkey, and other countries. The United States followed the example, and a life service was maintained by the Government. This service grew out of a very small beginning by the old Massachusetts Humane Society established in 1787, but now the system was complete and very efficient, having the best possible boats and appliances, worked by crews of picked and trained men appointed not at all on political grounds, but because of their fitness for the service - the whole a branch of the Government service and under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury. In the last ten years they had to deal with 1,847 wrecks, saved $14,958,000 worth of property, and 11,864 lives out of 12,259 in peril. Of 359 lives lost, 183 were on vessels, one of which was wrecked beyond the reach of any of the stations, and the other was during the season when the life-stations were not supposed to be manned. In conclusion, he cited the cases of two sad wrecks on the shore of Prince Edward County, that of the Jessie, ten years ago, when men were drowned in sight of the crowd on the shore anxious to help them, but powerless from lack of boats and lines; and the other that of the Folger, last year, and urged upon the Government again the importance of undertaking this work. Mr. McLelan, Minister of Marine, in commenting on the motion and speech, said the attention of the Government had been mainly taken up in providing lighthouses, bell-buoys, and other warnings of danger, which he said were really part of the life-saving service. This matter of life-boats had been urged by Mr. McCuaig, the predecessor of Mr. Platt, and he (Mr. McLelan) had ordered a lifeboat for the coast of Prince Edward, which would be in place next season. He would establish two life saving stations, with crews who would be paid for every time they went out to practice.
p.3 Here & There - D. McEwen & Son awarded contract for boiler and engine for Cuthbert's new steam yacht.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- March 8, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14644d
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great