British Whig (Kingston, ON), April 13, 1883
- Full Text
The schooner Eureka is loading posts at Rathbun's at private terms.
Charters made in Toronto for carrying pine from the Georgian Bay are said to be at the same rate as last year.
The Government Inspector of Hulls is testing the steambarge Reliance at Rathbun & Son's wharf.
Chicago has its largest stock of grain now on hand. It has, in elevators, 16,548,692 bushelsl; in vessels, 2,831,000.
The schr. Samana brings 20,000 bushels of corn to Kingston from Chicago at 6 3/4 cents. The asking rate on corn to this port now is 7 cents.
A. Muir & Bros. have had a large force of men employed all winter in lengthening the propellers Armenia and California at Port Dalhousie. They were cut in two amidships and 46 feet of extra feet of keel laid in the centre. This gives each boat a total length of 179 feet over all, and increases their carrying capacity 5,000 bushels each. Both boats are being fitted up with new steel boilers. The boats are strengthened by two steel arches in the sides, with diagonal braces and a large iron arch in the centre. The same work will be done to the Cuba as soon as these two boats come off the dock.
Personal Mention.
Capt. Howard, the genial Harbor Master at Montreal, is in the city. His friends are pleased to see him.
Capt. Staler (sic - Staley ?), who sailed the Albion for several years past, it is reported, will command the tug Active, of Kingston, during the coming season.
Capt. George Crawford went West this morning to look after the work of the steamer Norseman which will begin her trips between Port Hope and Charlotte about the 25th inst.
Here & There - some old hands of Royal Mail Line have not yet received notification of re-appointment.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 13, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14656
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great