British Whig (Kingston, ON), April 30, 1883
- Full Text
p.2 Late A. Summerville - the oldest steamboat engineer in Dominion; started in 1832 as second engineer on Great Britain - much detail.
The str. H.A. Calvin has been to Brockville for a load of withes.
Capt. Harbottle, the new Inspector of Hulls, has begun his duties.
The Oswego Seamens' Union have decided that the wages shall be $2 per day.
The schr. Armenia passed down the river on Saturday evening from Deseronto.
The schr. Sam Cook is at Grindstone Island, opposite Clayton, loading stone for Chicago at $1.70 gross.
The schr. Clara Youell, from Toronto, with 18,000 bushels of wheat, has arrived at the K. & M. Co.'s wharf.
The wrecking str. Conqueror towed the schr. Pride of America to Brockville yesterday. The schr. will load rye for Oswego.
The schr. Ariel, (Capt. Phelps) of Port Hope, is aground at the Thousand Island Park. She is about 18 inches out forward. Capt. T. Donnelly guaranteed to pull her off for $100, but the Captain would not give that amount. This guarantee would have covered all the costs. Had the vessel come off easily only a small sum would have been exacted. The Captain will work the vessel off himself.
The Western Express Line of propellers this year includes the following eleven large steamers: Myles, St. Magnus, Acadia, Glenfinlas, Shickluna, Scotia, Canada, Prussia, Europe, Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario. These steamers will during the summer keep up regular services between Duluth on Lake Superior and Lakes Ontario and Michigan.
Personal Mention - Owing to Captain Lamere's continued illness the Secretary's work of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company is being performed by Captain Labelle.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 30, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14669
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great