British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 9, 1883
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The schr. Oliver Mowat is loading ore for Fairhaven.
The steamer Gipsy begins her trips to Ottawa on Thursday.
The erection of a dry dock by the M.T. Company is now under consideration.
The water in the harbor is over a foot lower than it was at this time last year.
The prop. Celtic has the contract for carrying the lighthouse supplies this season.
The schr. Jessie Breck cleared from Hamilton yesterday with timber for Collinsby.
The schr. Gold Hunter, Toronto, has arrived, with 12,771 bush. wheat, consigned to the M.T. Co.
The Seamens' Union office has been removed to the second story of the building occupied by Capt. Lewis, ship chandler.
The str. Farrington will begin her usual trips between Clayton, Round Island and Thousand Island Park about July 1st.
The props. Persia and City of Montreal have been held here by the Customs officials because they cannot show inspection certificates. They claim to have been inspected.
The Montreal Transportation Company discharged two propellers and six vessels on Monday. This was with two elevators in operation. What can they do when the four elevators are running?
The following crafts from Kingston have passed through the Canal for Western points: Schrs. W.J. Suffel, Bavaria, Steamer Chieftain and tug Metamora and consorts.
The steam tug Meteor was here last evening from Montreal, en route to the Georgian Bay. She is a side-wheeler, and was formerly in the service of the Messrs. Allan. Her engineer, Mr. Roberts, is an old Kingstonian.
Considerable trouble has been caused to the Captains of propellers and schooners who have not been advised of the change in the law making it compulsory for them to report on entering one Canadian port from another. The western Customs officers gave no instructions that such would be required. An inspection is made of the certificate in all cases in which vessels enter this port for the first time.
The Western Express Line of steamers are commanded by experienced officers: Myles, Capt. Green; Acadia, Capt. Malcolmson; Shickluna, Capt. Jackson; Canada, Capt. McGiffin; Europe, Capt. Vaughan; Ontario, Capt. Williams; St. Magnus, Capt. Burrowes; Glenfinlis, Capt. Zealand; Scotia, Capt. Kish; Prussia, Capt. Chestnut; Lake Michigan, Capt. Wood.
The str. Varuna narrowly escaped destruction by fire on Monday night. A raft of logs, in tow of Messrs. Gilmour & Co.'s tug Rambler, came in contact with the Varuna and careened her so that a lighted lamp fell from the table and broke, the oil setting fire to the floor and the side of the cabin. The fire was with great difficulty extinguished. The Captain of the tug heard the alarm and stopped his engine, otherwise the Varuna might have been capsized.
The propeller Persia came into port this morning looking extremely fresh and bright. She is an old favorite and is in her tenth year of service. Her route is from St. Catharines to Montreal. The Government inspectors have pronounced her all right. The owners have done more for her than the law requires. She carries two metallic lifeboats and three large yawls, which are fitted with axes, bails, extra thole pins, oars, etc. There is an extra supply of fire buckets, and four water tanks. Extra life preservers are placed within easy reach. The cabin is the very pink of neatness, elegance and comfort. For families several double state rooms have been provided, the sleeping rooms are thoroughly re-carpeted, and the latest style of spring beds provided. Handsome mirrors are placed throughout the length of the cabin. The propeller is well officered. Capt. J.W. Scott, of this city, is in command. He is a most capable mariner and was the Captain to bring the boat out. The first mate is James Gardner, of Kingston. William Welch is first engineer, a position he has filled for many years. His assistant is J.K. Campbell. The purser, John Towers, is well known to the travelling public, being prompt and attentive to his duties, and competent.
Prop. Persia, St. Catharines, fgt.
Prop. Lake Michigan, Hamilton, fgt.
Str. Alexandra, Trenton, fgt.
Str. D.C. West, Westport, fgt.
Prop. City of Montreal, Hamilton, fgt.
The tug Jessie Hall clears tonight for Montreal with six barges having 120,000 bush peas and wheat.
Schr. H. Dudley, Chatham, 13,800 wheat.
Tugs Duluth, Glengarry, Albert, Belleville, 33,000 bush. wheat, 13,000 bush. rye.
Here & There - The schr. Oriental will go off the Empire Dry Dock tomorrow. Her place will be taken by the barge Southampton.
Arrivals for the K. & M.F. Co. - Schr. Angie (sic - Annie) Falconer, Toronto, 10,000 bushels wheat; propeller Niagara, Toronto, 30,000 bushels wheat.
The schooner Parana has been chartered in Chicago to carry corn to Kingston at 6 1/2 cents. She carries 28,000 bushels. Big vessels are all the go now.
Waiting For Orders.
Yesterday the tug Mixer went to Whiskey Island and picked up the crew of the str. Conqueror. Captain John Donnelly is at present awaiting orders from Washington before going to the rescue of the steamer. The case has been referred to the Department. If the orders are given to him to do the wrecking he will take down several barges and timber, so that the steamer can be raised and chained up and brought here for repairs. Capt. Donnelly says an iron boat amongst rocks will stand about as much thumping as a glass boat. The str. Hiram A. Calvin met with an accident about the same place some years ago, but being a wooden craft she was not severely injured.
p.4 District Dashes - old yacht Go Easy remodelled and renamed Ruby at Gananoque.
- yacht race between Reckless, Midnight and Mabel at Gananoque.
- Gananoque Yacht Club elections.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- May 9, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14677
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great