British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 10, 1883
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The K. & M. Forwarding Company talk of building a number of new barges.
The prop. Niagara received $175 for towing the barges Finch and Hawk to Port Dalhousie.
The schooners Laura and Belle Hanscombe were towed to Prescott today by the tug Bronson.
Capt. Weese, of Rossmore, and crew have arrived and are now fitting out the schooner A.G. Ryan.
The steamer Norseman (Capt. Geo. Crawford) has began her trips from Port Hope to Charlotte.
The steamer Maud took to Cape Vincent today about fifty bundles of calf skins. They were consigned to Watertown from Cobourg.
The prop. Alma Munro came into the harbor last evening. Not having the proper certificates she was detained by the Customs authorities.
Six barges belonging to the M.T. Company, carrying 100,000 bushels of grain and 120 tons of phosphate, left today for Montreal in tow of the Bronson.
The schooner Fabiola has loaded 3,000 rails at the K. & P. dock for Charlotte. She cleared today.
A strong south wind blew today, causing the storm signals to be hoisted at all Lake Ontario ports.
The Wrecking Company will not receive permission to rescue the steamer Conqueror unless she is in immediate danger and American tugs cannot reach her. The Company are agreeable to let the Yankees raise her. The U.S. Government are very anxious to protect the rights of their tug men.
The steamer H.A. Calvin did not do any wrecking in connection with the Kate Eccles. Before the steamer arrived a lighter had been utilized and the schooner floated off. She was aground on the bluff between Presque Isle and Colborne.
The steamer Gipsy, after a thorough overhauling, cleared this afternoon for Ottawa, and will continue on this route during the season. Captain Flemming again commands. He and the Purser, Harry McNally, are popular officers. The position of Steward has been given to Mr. Bushel of this city.
The Captains of the coasting vessels are "kicking." They object to the new regulations. They have taken out coasting licenses and these they think should be sufficient without reporting at every port they enter. The cargo book entries would have answered all purposes, had the customs authorities looked after the Captains who neglected to make them. As it is now Minister Bowell's ears must burn from morning to night, as he is greatly blessed at these days.
John Y. Palmateer, of Point Traverse, writes us that about two weeks ago four sticks of timber floated ashore at Big Cedar Point and one stick at the end of South Bay. They are about 45 feet long and are supposed to be of Norway pine. The timber probably formed part of a boom. Chains and ropes were also found attached to it. There were also four sticks of timber at Point Traverse. They belong to Smith and Macdougall. There is also a number of saw logs marked "H." The owners should look after them at once. Big Cedar Point is at the north side of South Bay Point. Mr. Palmateer, who will give further information to all enquirers, lives about three miles up the Bay.
The propellers Persia and City of Montreal were detained here all day yesterday because they had not the requisite certificates. There was considerable telegraphing between here and Ottawa over the detention. A telegram from J.C. Rykert, M.P., telling Collector Hamilton to allow the propellers to proceed on the order of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, was not heeded, and only on receiving a telegram from the Minister himself would the Collector let the vessels go. The detention here shows the necessity of the Government having a Hull Inspector at every large port. Wherever a Boiler Inspector is stationed a Hull Inspector should also be located. A vessel might lie here for weeks before the Ontario Hull Inspector got around, he having a great deal to do in a short time of space.
A Tug Burned.
This morning the tug Gardiner, of Ogdensburg, engaged in towing barges laden with coal from Oswego to Montreal, was burned to the water's edge. The conflagration occurred off the Galoup Islands, about twenty miles above Cape Vincent. Capt. Leonard arrived at the Cape this morning and stated that the craft burned up like a match. The origin of the fire could not be determined. There was a heavy gale which caused the fire to burn with intense fury. The crew escaped safely, but they had no time in which to save anything. The tug was one of the finest on the lake, and the probability is that she will be a total loss. The two barges were cut adrift. Capt. Leonard wanted Capt. Hinckley, of the Maud, to pick them up, but this was impossible under American marine laws. Before the Maud left the Cape they had drifted into the harbor, however. A strong south wind was blowing and one of the barges had hoisted a small quantity of sail. The accident list is opening well this season.
The tug Wm. Gardner, jr. was built in June 1882 by G.W. Notter, at Buffalo. She is owned by George Hall & Co. of Ogdensburg, and was valued at $12,000. She rated A-2 and was of 108 tons burthen. She was probably insured.
schr. Cataract, Tryconnell, 13,076 bush. wheat.
schr. Dundee, Toronto, 16,233 bushels wheat.
schr. Paragon, Colborne, 9,770 bushels wheat.
schr. N.P. Downey, Port Whitby, 6,331 bushels wheat.
schr. Nellie Hunter, Cobourg, 12,767 bushels wheat.
schr. Hannah Butler, Cobourg, 5.358 bushels wheat.
schr. Monitor, Sacket's Harbor, light.
schr. Ben Folger, Charlotte, 230 tons coal.
Prop. Alma Munro, Port Stanley, 6,000 bush. wheat.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- May 10, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14678
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great