British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 16, 1883
- Full Text
p.2 There was a lively blow on the lakes last night, as the Captains of the schrs. White Oak and Wm. Elgin can testify. The latter vessel was driven back from Nine Mile Point to the Ducks. She several times went over on her side.
The schr. Annie Falconer is loading ore.
Captains say they never saw such a dull season as this has been so far. Cargoes cannot be secured even at great sacrifices.
Capt. Fraser did not get away yesterday, as anticipated, but he left today for Charlotte, to which port the Indian and consort carry ties.
The schrs. Wm. Elgin and White Oak came into the harbor this morning from Oswego. The former vessel will be repaired and painted. She needs the paint particularly.
The sail makers are now busily engaged in making cork life-preservers. This has been necessary owing to the demand to fit out crafts according to law.
The proposition made by Captain McDonald, of the Pride of America, to Mr. Smith, of Milwaukee, to pay $200 down and the balance of the original bill, $700, at the end of the season, is said to have been declined. Last night an effort was being made to bond her, but up to noon it had not been successful.
Last night the steamers Spartan and Magnet arrived here en route to the Georgian Bay, on which they will run in connection with the Toronto, Gray and Bruce Railway. The Spartan is in charge of Capt. Macgregor and the Magnet is under command of Capt. Macleod, both officers being upper lake navigators. Capt. Frank Patterson, formerly of Kingston, is the manager of the new line, and a more affable and courteous officer cannot be found. He has the knowledge to make the line popular. All who know him predict a prosperous season for the Company who have employed him. He was on board the Magnet, having gone to Montreal to fit the steamers out.
Today's Arrivals.
Schr. Samana, Chicago, 19,200 bu. corn.
Schr. Westside, Chicago, 20,000 bu. corn.
Str. Magnet, Montreal, freight.
Str. Spartan, Montreal, freight.
Prop. City of Montreal, Montreal, pass. and fgt.
Prop. Persia, St. Catharines, pass. and fgt.
Prop. Lake Michigan, Montreal, pass. and fgt.
Schr. Higgie, Chicago, 31,669 bush. corn.
Barge Otonabee, Rideau, 125 tons phosphate.
Schr. Hartford, Chicago, 22,183 bu. corn.
Schr. Typo, Milwaukee, 22,825 bu. corn.
p.4 Deseronto Doings - engine and propellers for new steam barge arrived.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- May 16, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14683
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great