British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 29, 1883
- Full Text
Yesterday Hon. Mr. Bowell, Minister of Customs and Acting Minister of Marine, arrived here as a witness in the case of Falkiner vs. The Grand Junction R.R. He had been summoned to appear on Wednesday but sent back the summons and money from Ottawa, declining to appear. After the prorogation of Parliament he was again summoned and responded. Last night we found him in the Burnett House and had a short interview with him. He was asked regarding the recent coasting regulations and said that all the information he had to give was contained in these regulations. He said they were carefully drawn up in order to secure more regularity and to ascertain more accurately the true condition of the Canadian marine business. The regulations might not be all that was desired and changes might be expected to remove any "chaffing." He said that the old system was very undesirable. Under it the true state of the trade could not be determined. There was always an outcry when new regulations were introduced. This was to be expected. He was speaking of the deepening of the canals when the interview was intercepted by the arrival of the leading lights of the Tory party who dropped in and bombarded him on all sides....
The tug Active and barges have left for Oswego to load coal.
The prop. Niagara has just discharged here 100,000 pine deals from Toledo.
The tug Jessie Hall, with six barges came up from Montreal this morning.
The tug Jessie Hall clears this evening for Montreal with six barges having 120,000 bushels of grain.
The steam barge George A. Bagley was fined $129.90 in Oswego, for failing to have her tonnage and official number on the main beam, and failure to exhibit the master's license. The Captain will appeal.
Last night the steamer Champion, en route to Lake Superior, carrying supplies to the C.P. Railway, collided at Cornwall with the barge Huron, belonging to the Kingston & Montreal Forwarding Company doing great damage to the barge. The Champion will be detained here on her arrival, or at least until security is given for the costs of the accident.
The steamer Armenia collided with the steamer Hero last night while the latter was discharging freight at Bath wharf. The Hero was lying at the front of the wharf when the Armenia undertook to enter the slip by crossing the Hero's bow. The wind being high and the Armenia having big headway on, she struck the Hero's stern, completely shattering it and bent the iron cutwater as though it were a withe. The collision will necessitate the Hero being docked on Saturday next to replace the stern from the fore foot up. Had either steamer had an excursion party on board a panic would most certainly have ensued, as at one time it was thought that the Hero would be struck nearer the gangway. As the Armenia was entirely at fault she will stand the brunt of the damage. The Hero's route will be filled by the steamer Maud while the former is being repaired.
p.3 Work On The Shoals - Capt. Paul will soon resume the work of removing the shoals in our harbour. He has a covered scow ready to be taken out. The stone will be divided between the M.T. Company and the Locomotive Works, to be used in wharf filling.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- May 29, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14693
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great