Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 31, 1883

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The schr. Annie Falconer is on her way from Toronto with a cargo of wheat.

The Montreal Transportation Company have discharged 95 vessels since April 25th.

The tug Bronson has cleared for Montreal with 82,000 bushels of grain and 1,200 tons coal.

The schr. White Oak, from Charlotte, has arrived with 400 tons of coal for James Swift.

There is little freight moving. Business along the wharves was never in a flatter condition at this season.

The steamer Maud took to Cape Vincent this morning 58 cows and several horses, the property of D.G. Drummond, Rome. Their value was $2,000.

The gale on the lake during the night was very severe, and the probability is that there were several disasters. None have been reported, however, up to writing.

The arrivals at the M.T. Co.'s wharf are: Barge Seneca, Oswego, 600 tons coal; barge Oneida, Oswego, 600 tons coal; schr. Two Brothers, Port Hope, 8,309 bush. peas.

The str. Corinthian arrived up this morning. She was delayed on the river. It is stated that the burning of coal is not a success, that steam cannot be generated as fast as when the boat was produced by wood.

The wages of seamen on Lake Ontario has been lowered to $1.50 per day by the Seamen's Union. This is from all Canadian ports. The President of the Union was informed that if the figures were lowered to $1.50 no vessels would carry other than union crews. It is hoped the Captain will carry out their obligations.

The steamer Frances Smith arrived at Collingwood and reports the steamer Spartan, of the Owen Sound Steamship line, at Little Current disabled, having blown one of her boilers out. The engineer of the Spartan has gone to Owen Sound to make the necessary repairs. The Spartan intended working to the Sault with one boiler if possible and awaiting repairs there. The steamer was out on her first trip when the accident happened.

Capt. Fraser, of the steam barge Indian and consorts, has had a very severe trip up to Lake Michigan where he loaded for Kingston. He writes that on the 21st he was caught in the gale above Long Point, Lake Erie. From 11 o'clock p.m. to 8 o'clock a.m., he steered westward so as to get under the north shore. The sea was running very high, often going over the promenade deck of the Indian. The barge Southampton broke loose and went off alone. On Monday it snowed and hailed all day. The crew could not see half a mile ahead of them. After buffeting the gale for a long time Captain Fraser made for Sandusky Bay but hauled up at Kelly's Island where he let go of the R. Gaskin. The Indian rode the waves very finely, but she shipped considerable water. The barges were afterwards picked up and found to be somewhat strained. Captain Fraser concludes his epistle by saying that this was the worst gale he ever encountered on Lake Erie.

p.3 An Artistic Work - Colin A. Scott has a watercolor painting showing Cataraqui Bridge, with drawbridge open and a barge being towed through by a small tug.

Here & There - The schr. Jessie Breck has reached Collinsby with timber and staves from Hamilton.

A Boom Broken - timber belonging to Collins Bay Rafting Co. in Cataraqui Bay drifted to Bell's Island and Pittsburg shore.

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Date of Original
May 31, 1883
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Rick Neilson
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 31, 1883