British Whig (Kingston, ON), June 5, 1883
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p.2 A Fenian Plot - to blow up Welland Canal.
The tug Metamora and barges have reached Collinsby with timber from Lake Superior.
The Burlington Bay Navigation Company has ceased to exist. They looked over the steamer Watertown but would not purchase her.
The docks are vacant. There are very few vessels in the harbor. The water today was without a ripple and the labourers were lying in the shady places and wondering if ever there was to be a boom in work.
Mr. Jno. Hazlett returned from Cleveland last evening, where he has been superintending the building of the boiler and engines for the new steam barge D.D. Calvin. He says that they are all complete and only await the arrival of the barge in order that they may be put into her.
The steamer Magnet reports at Owen Sound that the sidewheel steamer Meteor, bound for Midland, light, ran on a rock twelve miles west of Spanish River and filled with water. Her bow lies in two feet of water, with fourteen at the stern. It is thought she can be easily released with the assistance of a tug and steam pump.
The new arrangements for meals on the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation steamers give general satisfaction to the public. E. Armant, the head stewart of the steamer Algerian, says the bill of fare is copied from that used by Victor Ollivon, the celebrated caterer of Montreal, who has the contract for supplying meals on all the steamers of this line. The average cost of a meal has been 10 cents, ranging from 10 cents up. The dining room is situated in the stern of the boat, formerly occupied by the ladies' cabin, and instead of the long tables, as formerly, they are now set in groups so that travellers can enjoy privacy. Another good feature is, that deck passengers, instead of paying 50 cents for a meal as formerly, are now supplied in a room set apart for the purpose with a good wholesome meal at the low price of 25 cents.
Here & There - The three barges that went ashore on Saturday last in the St. Lawrence are a total loss. Damage $10,000.
During last week there was discharged at Garden Island 186,000 ft. square timber, 100,084 pipe staves and 54,090 West India staves, which at the present market value would be worth the snug little sum of $247,000.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- June 5, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14699
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great