Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), July 10, 1883

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The schr. Eliza White has cleared for Oswego with ties and posts.

The schr. Garibaldi is loading posts for Oswego. The sloops Pilot and Gazelle, posts for Deseronto.

The yacht Atalanta is now on the ways at Deseronto. She is being put in order for her intended trip to Chicago.

The cook on the schooner Cecilia is in trouble. She cannot secure her wages, $29.50, from Capt. Saxie Brooks. The affair will be sifted in the Police Court tomorrow.

Marine matters are much improved. Rates are going slowly up and there is a better look all round. All the vessels in port are getting charters, and coal from the other side is coming in freely. So a Toronto telegram says.

Information has been received of the death of Captain John McGlynn, of Toronto. For a number of years he sailed the schr. Garibaldi, of which he was part owner. When she went ashore at Weller's Bay two years ago the suffering he endured during the terrible night brought a disease from which he never recovered. This season he was located in Chicago, and his death was somewhat sudden, the first intimation being a notice that the body was on the way home. The remains were interred in St. Michael's Cemetery, Toronto.

Capt. Merryman intends looking after the schooner Lillie Parsons, which sank some years ago near Brockville with 500 tons of coal. He believes that she can be raised without difficulty. It was generally supposed that vessels sunk for a length of time, generally rotted or went to pieces, but this idea seems to be an erroneous one. Mr. Merryman states that in his experience he has raised vessels which had been under water for 13 years and found them still in a good state of preservation.

Capt. Merryman says that while working at the wrecked prop. St. Catharines, sunk in 125 feet of water, the men found the hulls of several crafts which no one seemed to know anything of and several which were as sound as when lost. When a wreck goes down out of sight in deep water it is located by means of grappling weights attached to enormous towing lines and dragged about one mile behind a tug. While working in this way last season to locate the St. Catharines, many curious finds were reported, including anchors, chains, towing ropes, wheels, spars, etc. One of the wheels brought up must have been a relic of the pioneer days of steamboating, as the blades were fitted into the hub separately instead of being cast all in one piece as at present.

Regarding the wreck of the Sam Cook work will be begun as soon as possible. It will likely be a week or more, however, before they get rightly at work, as they are not allowed to use their own apparatus, and will have to secure what they need from Canadian ports. The hoister will be procured in Kingston. Two divers will be brought from Port Huron, and two more will probably be secured in Ogdensburg, while the majority of the men employed will belong to Brockville. It is expected that it will take about six weeks to raise the vessel.



Reports of the Department of Marine.

Quantity of Fish Caught In This Vicinity.

Supplement No. 2 to the fifteenth annual report of the Department of Marine and Fisheries has come to hand, and from it we learn some facts of a local as well as general interest. In the preface we learn that the fisheries' officers' salaries and disbursements in connection with fish breeding, amount to $31,223.93; that the collections during the fiscal year for licenses, fines and forfeitures, reached $23,687.45; that there were 4,510 licenses issued, and that the fisheries' staff numbered 64. The following are the Inspectors employed in this vicinity and their salaries.:

John Cox, Howe Island, $50.

Peter Kiel, Wolfe Island and the southern part of the county, comprising the townships of Storrington, Pittsburg and Kingston, $200.

James Redmond, County of Prince Edward, $300.

W.H. Johnston, Charleston Lake, Gananoque Lake and River, $50.

James Greer, Gananoque River, $40.

John A. Cameron, that part of the county north of Loughboro Lake, $100.

A.D. Sills, Lake Shore and inland waters, County of Lennox & Addington, including Amherst Island, $150.

Valuable Statistical Information.

Then comes the following statistical information, carefully collected and compiled, anent the number and value of vessels, boats, nets, etc.

Pigeon Island - Two boats, $150; 6 men; 75 gill nets, 750 rods valued at $300. Of the catch 600 lbs. were white fish, 20,000 lbs. trout, 1,000 lbs. bass, and 1,200 lbs. pickerel; value $1,780.

Reed's Bay - Two boats, $100; 4 men; 33 gill nets and (833 ?) rods, worth $132. The catch embraced 3,200 lbs. bass, 5,400 lbs. pickerel and 200 lbs. sturgeon, valued at $526.

Big Sandy Bay - Three boats, $80; 6 men, 12 hoop nets, catch 56 bbls. coarse fish, value $224.

Button Bay - One boat, $40; 2 men, 8 hoop nets, worth $128; catch, 40 bbls. coarse fish, valued at $160.

Howe Island - Two boats, $20; 2 men, 100 rods worth $20, five hoop nets worth $80, catch 800 lbs. pike and 40 bbls. coarse fish, valued at $200.

Pittsburg - Three boats, $45; 3 men; 12 hoop nets, worth $200, catch 29 bbls. coarse fish, valued at $116.

Thousand Islands - Two boats, $50; 4 men, 16 gill nets, 150 rods; catch 2,200 lbs. bass, 4,200 lbs. pike and 2,200 lbs. pickerel, valued at $510.

Gananoque - Three boats, $70; 3 men, 400 rods worth $100; catch 8,400 lbs. pike and 33 lbs. sturgeon, valued at $552.

Inland waters - Catch 270 bbls. coarse fish, valued at $1,080.

The totals are eighteen boats, $555; 30 men, 124 gill nets, 1733 rods, worth $616, 37 hoop nets, $600, catch 600 lbs. white fish, 20,000 lbs. trout, 6,400 lbs. bass, 13,400 lbs. pike, 9,400 lbs. pickerel, 200 lbs. sturgeon and 486 bbls. coarse fish, valued at $5,148.

Frontenac Division.

The following are the facts applying to what is known as the Frontenac Division:

Hinchinbrook - Nine boats, $74; 18 men, 13 gill nets, 258 rods worth $130; catch 600 lbs. white fish, 900 lbs. trout and 83 bbls. herring, valued at $535.

Bedford - Fourteen boats, $114; 28 men, 14 gill nets, 277 rods, worth $150; 3 hoop nets, $34, catch 1,400 lbs. trout and 15 bbls. coarse fish, valued at $427.

Portland - Two boats, $17; 4 men, 2 gill nets and 40 rods, worth $22; catch 36 bbls. herring, 500 lbs. pike, valued at $40.

Palmerston - Five boats, $38, 10 men; 7 gill nets, 149 rods, $83; catch, 2,200 lbs. trout, 19 bbls. herring, value $271.

Loughboro - Twenty three boats, $207; 46 men; 28 gill nets, 589 rods worth $298; catch 4,900 lbs. trout, 151 bbls. herring, valued at $1,147.

The totals are: 53 boats, $450; 166 men; 64 gill nets and 1,313 rods, valued at $688; 3 hoop nets, worth $34; catch 600 lbs. white fish, 9,400 lbs. trout, 307 bbls. herring; 500 lbs. pike and 15 bbls. coarse fish, valued at $2,420.

A Comparison of Years.

Mr. Sills, overseer in Lennox & Addington, states that the catch in his district in 1879 was worth $2,902; in 1880 $4,928; in 1881 $4,459; in 1882 $7,680.72

The Overseers of the Wolfe Island and Kingston divisions report the value of the fish catch in 1879 at $7,089; in 1880 $4,570; in 1881 $4,662; in 1882 $5,148. Mr. Kiel reports the fishing good, when considered in connection with the number of men engaged in it. The great demand for labour and the high wages induced many fishermen to seek other occupations.

Mr. Cameron, the Overseer of the Frontenac Division, says the value of the fish caught in 1881 was $1,159; in 1882 $2,490. Mr. Cameron says the fish in general appear to be on the increase. This he considers due to the fact that no American Poachers have been prevented (sic) from depleting our waters. This officer seized one boat with spears and jack and fined the owner. This had a salutary effect on the others. With this single exception the law was well observed.

Excursion To Belleville - on str. Maud.

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Date of Original
July 10, 1883
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Rick Neilson
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), July 10, 1883