British Whig (Kingston, ON), July 21, 1883
- Full Text
p.2 The schr. Penokee has arrived from Chicago with 22,300 bush. wheat. She and the schr. Nevada subsequently left for Oswego to load coal. There was a change of masters on Nevada. Captain Pritchard (in command last year) taking the place of Captain Richards who retires from sailing for the present.
The str. Rosamond of Belleville arrived this morning. She will be inspected.
The schr. F.J. Leighton, laden with 700 tons of coal for the Canadian Pacific R.R., passed down the river yesterday.
Considerable grain is coming from Chicago and Milwaukie. The rate on corn from the former place is 4 1/2 cents, and from Milwaukee 4 3/4 cents.
The tug Glide has gone to Montreal with barges carrying 1,200 tons of coal and 50,000 bush. grain. The tug received a new wheel at Fraser's before starting.
The Peterboro Review says the Royal Mail Line Managers should apply to the steward of the Hero "for instructions how to provide a relishable meal at a moderate price.
The case of the libelled schr. Pride of America has been heard in Utica and a decision reached. The Court has ordered that the vessel be sold and that the claims of the libellants be paid - they amount to $700, together with $35 tonnage dues - and that the fees of the Proctors, Marshal and Clark be paid, and the balance handed to the Registrar of the Court. The amount of E.A. Smythe's claim for salvage, $768.25, was ordered to be retained in Court, subject to the determination of a suit between Capt. McDonald, of the vessel, and Mr. Smith. The vessel will be sold in about two weeks.
A Man Overboard - off str. Maud, rescued by yawl from schr. Annie M. Foster.
p.3 A Flue Blew Out - in boiler of str. Gipsy; towed back to city by Pierrepont.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- July 21, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14738
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great