British Whig (Kingston, ON), Aug. 1, 1883
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p.3 Off This Evening - yacht Laura to Belleville; list of crew.
Here and There - old yacht Laura, now of Oswego.
The schr. Eureka is in light from Oswego.
The schr. Hyderabad is at Brockville with 625 tons of coal from Cleveland.
The steam barge Clinton and consorts have been chartered to carry 56,000 bush. corn from Chicago to Kingston at 5 cents.
The yachts Oriole and Aileen have arrived at Chicago. They are being prepared for the race on Saturday. The yacht Atalanta, of Buffalo, is also there for the same race.
The schr. Hartford, while attempting to enter Oswego harbor yesterday, ran upon a pier and did considerable damage to her bow. The pier is about half erected and stands in the middle of the entrance.
The str. Hero arrived here this afternoon with an excursion from Belleville. The excursion was under the auspices of the Independent Hose Company. A number of the party disembarked at Stella Point. The visitors viewed the city and seemed pleased with all they saw.
The steamer Passport, of the Royal Mail line, met with an accident to her machinery on the way from Montreal, which prevented her from going any further west. The passengers were sent west by the Grand Trunk. The Passport will be ready to make the trip to Montreal tomorrow morning.
Mr. Wm. Galna has been appointed check clerk for the Ontario & Quebec R.R. at Trenton, and is now superintending the discharge of three or four large barges loaded with steel rails at the Central Ontario dock. From present appearances the Central R.R. seems to be doing a lively business over their road and about their docks, necessitating the employment of not a few hands, and give the south part of the town a lively business appearance.
Another feature in the case of the schooner Pride Of America is the suit brought by Captain James McDonnell against Egbert A. Smith, John K. Post and Robert G. Post, of Oswego, for converting his vessel under their bond, given in attachment issued in favor of Egbert A. Smith. Under this attachment the schooner was originally seized for a towing bill, and was afterwards attached by the crew. The plaintiff claims $10,000 damages, but the schooner will be sold under the decree of the United States Court on Monday next.
The Little Steamer Edith Sewell Sunk In The Gale of Monday Night.
When young Mr. Leheup told the passengers on the Pierrepont, returning from the House of Providence picnic to the city, that he had seen a small fishing tug sink, stern foremost, off Long Point, the statement was not credited. Advices show that he described an actual fact. Last night telegrams were received here stating that the Edith Sewell, a tug running between this city and Sackett's Harbor, had gone down in 60 feet of water. The crew were saved.
On Monday a representative of the Whig was on Horse Shoe Island, and during the afternoon watched the Sewell being tossed about by the breakers. She had four big fish boxes on the stern deck, and these were roughly rolled about. The tug pushed bravely along, however, mounting the waves buoyantly and sinking again into the trough and almost out of sight. Several persons remarked that she was weathering the storm very nicely.
Laboring In The Sea.
After watching the craft proceed far out upon the lake the onlookers returned to the pleasures of the picnic. Mr. Leheup remained. He says that when the craft reached between Long Island and Pigeon Light, she gave a lurch and her whole bottom and one side was seen. Some fish boxes rolled off. He next noticed a change in the tug's course. She headed for Long Point but had only gone about 200 yards when she gave a plunge on the crest of a wave and went into the trough of the sea. She mounted a second wave, went backward and disappeared stern first. From the time the vessel gave the first lurch until she went down she vigorously blew her whistle. The sound could not be heard but the escaping steam could be distinctly seen. The crew clung to the wreckage and fishermen shortly afterwards picked them up and landed them safely. The fish boxes were all picked up and about 450 of the fish were brought here last evening by some one who attempted to sell them to a merchant. Discovering that the fish were from the Georgian Bay he took charge of them, packed them in ice and this morning sent them by express to Sackett's Harbor.
What The Sewell Was.
The Edith Sewell was a powerful little craft and for several years was engaged in the transhipping of fish to the Harbor. The fish came from Clark & Robbins' grounds on Georgian Bay. It is thought that in the gale the boxes, which contained four or five tons of fish, must have slid to one side and caused the vessel to lurch so much as to ship a large quantity of water. The water rushing into the stern where the weight was put her out of sight. The loss will be considerable.
The List Of The Crew.
Mr. Clarke, of the firm of Clarke & Robbins, arrived in the city at noon today. He reports that there was no insurance on the Sewell. She was built in 1875 and was valued at $3,000. The crew were: Capt. Bailey, Engineer Baily, and Steward McKee. Mr. Clarke having been away could give no particulars of the disaster.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 1, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14747
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great